June 7, 2021

June 7, 2021

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the council meeting on June 7, 2021, at 7:00 PM in the Argyle City Office. Present were Mayor Sundby, Anthony Deschene, David Sorenson, David Gunderson, and Aaron Rivard. Also in attendance were Tony Safranski and Vicki Tulibaski. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.

The council reviewed the written report from Moore Engineering. The council is waiting for a revised agreement from Marshall & Polk Rural Water.

No further information on the fire hall land was received from the Fire Department. The Council was reminded of a meeting on Tuesday with Widseth regarding the fire hall.

The Council reviewed the written Maintenance Report. Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to change Friday Summer Hours for all employees to 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Motion carried. Motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, to approve the Maintenance Report. Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the Temporary Community Festival Liquor Licenses for the Argyle American Legion and The Dell Steakhouse & Lounge LLC on June 26, 2021 by resolution. Carried.

The Council reviewed a proposal from Ron Ruud of Northwest Service Cooperative regarding setting up  an internet data base of chemicals and doing a chemical inventory. Motion David Gunderson, second by Anthony Deschene, to not have Northwest Service Cooperative do an internet data base of chemical and chemical inventory. Motion carried.

On a motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, the Council approve a resolution to accept the coronavirus local fiscal recovery fund established under the American Rescue Plan Act. Carried.

On a motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, the Council approved by resolution donations made to the Argyle Fire Department since December 1, 2020 by individuals, businesses, and area local governments for the sole purpose of the Argyle Fire Department. Carried. On a motion by David Sorenson, second by David Gunderson, the Council approved by resolution donations made to the City of Argyle since December 1, 2020 by individuals, businesses, and the area local governments to be used only for the City of Argyle. Carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to approve the building permits of Duane Pagnac, floating slab and Amie Bergeron, windows & siding. Motion carried.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to approve members of the Community Club as volunteers of the City of Argyle for Meet Your Neighbor Day. Motion carried. Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the Community Club to have the Nickle Scramble and Bouncy Houses on the city lot located at 110 West 5th Street for Meet Your Neighbor Day. Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to approve hiring Logan Nordine for the youth summer position. Motion carried.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to change the date of the July Council meeting. Motion carried. Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard to change the date to July 12th. Motion carried.

Motion by David Sorenson, second by David Gunderson, to approve a lease with Yu-Tyme Wellness Studio for $1/year June 1, 2021, to May 31, 2022 for use of a portion of the community center for HIIT Classes. Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to apply for a permit to increase the elevation of the rock weir. Motion carried.

Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to raise the charge for a recycling tote to $2.40. The city pays half and the customer half. Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Delinquent Accounts, account balances and the bills presented for payment. Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bills presented for payment. Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, to accept Dawn LaBine’s offer to stain/varnish the benches outside the Argyle Mall and have her charge the needed supplies to the City of Argyle. Motion carried.

Porky Rousseau approached Terry to have the sign with the Mall businesses listed on by the Pedestrian Park moved back 10 feet to the west. No action taken by the Council.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Gunderson, to accept Vicki’s resignation effective July 7, 2021 due to her retirement after 32 years with the City of Argyle and advertise for the City Clerk position with applications to close in two weeks. Motion carried.

Being no further businesses, motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Gunderson, to adjourn. Motion carried.




JULY 7th 9:30-11:30 AM







May 2021

May 3, 2021 – DRAFT

Mayor Terry Sundby opened the Board of Appeal & Equalization Meeting on May 3, 2021 at 6:00pm at the Argyle City Office via conference call.  Council members present were Mayor Sundby, David Sorenson, Aaron Rivard, and Anthony Deschene.  Absent was David Gunderson.  Attending from the Assessor’s Office via phone were Russ Steer and Allison Grzadzieleski.  Also in attendance were Ed St. Germain and Vicki Tulibaski.

Ed St. Germain came to appeal his home valuation.  Allison explained that his home went up from a grade 6 to a grade 7.  Russ stated that the Council could adjust on location factor basis.  David Gunderson arrived at the meeting.  After some discussion, motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to drop the valuation on Ed St. Germain’s house 5%.  Motion carried.  Russ stated that Ed can go to the County and appeal the valuation and voice his concerns.  Allison reviewed the new construction sheet, the homestead changes, and the overbuilt factor sheets with the Council.  There were no questions.  She also explained the Vet Exclusion Program, the Blind/Disabled Application, and the Homestead Special Ag Program.  Council members were informed that the field cards are available online.  Being no further questions, Russ & Allison thanked the Council and Mayor Sundby closed the meeting.

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the May 3, 2021 Argyle City Council meeting at 7:00pm.  Present were Mayor Sundby, David Sorenson, Aaron Rivard, Anthony Deschene, and David Gunderson.  Also in attendance were Tony Safranski and Vicki Tulibaski.  Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the written update from Moore Engineering.  No action taken.

Anthony Deschene informed the Council that KLJ has all the elevation shots of the city’s system.  The Council then discussed internal drainage option.  No action taken.

Jason Hillman, Jerry Pribula, Paul Bergeron, Dan Driscol and Mike Kowalski representing Marshall & Polk Rural Water then arrived at the Council meeting.  They discussed the upcoming water project.  The project has been delayed as Rural Water is unable to get pipe at this time.  Jerry recommended to bid the project later winter or early spring.  The Council reviewed the Rural Water Agreement, and several changes were made.  The city will be able to bond through Rural Water.  Jason will take the agreement back to his board with the changes and then get it back to Argyle for approval at the next Council meeting.  They then left the meeting.

Nevin Lubarski arrived at the Council meeting.  He handed out the Stephen-Argyle Central Summer SACC Childcare & Activities 2021 booklet.  He explained the 21st Century Grant and asked if their baseball program could partner on Tuesdays and Thursdays for skills.  The people SACC hired through the grant would help out with Summer Rec practices teaching skills on Tuesdays & Thursdays and the Summer Rec coaches can take Summer Rec participants to the games Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  Nevin then left the meeting.  After some discussion, motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, to partner with SACC 21st Century Grant for baseball as long as they coordinate with our times and get the information out to the parents, so everyone knows what’s going on and add teeny ball.  Motion carried.  Only paying Summer Rec participants receive shirts.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson to approve the proposal from McGlynn fence for replacement of the remaining fence at the ballfield.  Motion carried.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to accept the bid of NPL for the gas valve replacement.  Motion carried.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Anthony Deschene, to approve having the frost boil fixed on the west side of the fire hall.  Motion carried.  Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to approve the Maintenance Report.  Motion carried.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, to approve the building permits of Joe Eyni, replace roof; Aurelia Kujawa, exterior doors; Nevin Lubarski, back door; Lisa & Mark Larson, house & garage flooring; Kevin Crummy, windows.  Motion carried.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Anthony Deschene, to approve Summer Hours of Monday to Thursday from 7:00AM to 4:30PM and Friday 8:00AM – Noon.  Motion carried.

On a motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, the Council approved by resolution the benefit for years of service on the Argyle Fire Department at $900.00 a year.  Motion carried.

The Council then reviewed the Profit & Loss, balance sheet, Delinquent Accounts, Account balances and the bills presented for payment.  Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bills presented for payment.  Motion carried.

Being no further business, motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to adjourn.  Motion carried.

***2021 Pet Licenses can by purchased at the City Office for $5.00.  ALL cats and dogs must be licensed.
***2021 Permits for golf carts & ATV’s & UTV’s can be purchased at the City Office for $5.00.  ALL need to be licensed.
***Please don’t blow grass into street.
***Waste Management recycling tote pickup will be on June 16th.  Please have your totes to the curb 3 feet away from anything by 7:00AM.
***Call before you dig….It’s the Law!  Call 811

April 2021

April 5, 2021 DRAFT

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the April 5, 2021 Argyle City Council meeting at 7:00PM in the Argyle City Office.  Present were Mayor Sundby, David Sorenson, Anthony Deschene, Aaron Rivard, and David Gunderson.  Also in attendance were Tony Safranski and Vicki Tulibaski.  Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried.

Anthony Deschene representing the AFD updated the Council on the new fire hall location.  The AFD would like to have the city purchase 5 acres from Brian Anderson.  Brian Opsahl arrived at the meeting.

Brian Ospahl of Brady Martz handed out copies of the audit to the Council. He stated that the audit process went smooth as usual.  Andrew Aakre arrived at the meeting.  Brian then reviewed the audit report with the Council.  Anthony Deschene left the meeting.  No questions from the Council.  Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to approve the audit.  Motion carried.  Brian then left the meeting.

Andrew Aakre of Moore Engineering reviewed the spreadsheet he made comparing Rural Water to the City System Upgrades C. David Gunderson then explained to the Council another way to look at the cost comparison that he calculated out.  Andrew stated that no grant dollars are reflected in the figures.  Andrew would recommend doing the cast iron replacement with the water project; however, it is a Council decision.  Andrew stated the Council needs to make a decision and let him know.  He will then finish up the environmental report.  Andrew then left the meeting.

The Mayor requested the Council to prioritize the following projects: Water projects, Fire Hall, and Lincoln Avenue.  The Council then discussed the water project and the need to decide which way they are going.  Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to go with Marshall Polk Rural Water pending a guaranteed 40-year contract at $8.50/1,000 gallons and to coordinate with them to set up a public hearing with their engineer at the meeting.  AYE: Gunderson, Rivard, Sorenson, Sundby ABSENT: Deschene Motion carried.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to hire Michael Jacobson for the Summer Rec Director/Head Coach position with a $.50 raise from last year’s pay and Joshua Pietruszewski for assistant coach at $10.00/hour.  Motion carried.  Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to hire Dale Clausen and Tom Tulibaski for part time mowing (as neither want to work every day) with a $.50 raise from last year’s pay.  Motion carried.

David Sorenson asked to move back to prioritize projects as no decision was made.  Motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, to list the priority of the projects in the following order: 1.) Water Project, 2.)Lincoln Avenue, 3.) Fire Hall. AYE: Gunderson, Rivard, Sorenson, Sundby, ABSENT: Deschene. Motion carried.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to approve the written Maintenance Report.  Motion carried.

The Mayor informed the Council that Misselhorn Excavating is going to remove trees on his lot behind his shop.  Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to have Misselhorn Excavating remove the trees on the city lot when he is there.  The city crew will haul the trees on the city lot away and clean up the lot.  Motion carried.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to put the USDA water/sewer reserves into CDs and add to them yearly from the savings account.  Motion carried.

The Council then reviewed a notice from Marshall County for Dust Control.  After some discussion, motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to contract with Marshall County for dust control same as in the past with the addition of the alley in front of LaBine Electric.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Delinquent Account, Account balances and the bills presented for payment.  Motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, to approve the bills presented for payment.  Motion carried.

Being no further business, motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to adjourn.  Motion carried.

March 2021

March 1, 2021 – Draft

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the March 1, 2021 Argyle City Council meeting at 7:00PM in the City Office.  Present were Mayor Sundby, Anthony Deschene, and Aaron Rivard.  Absent were David Gunderson and David Sorenson.  Also in attendance were Andrew Aakre of Moore Engineering, Tony Safranski, and Vicki Tulibaski.  Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried.

Andrew Aakre went over the Progress Report on the Argyle Water Improvements Project with the Council.  Andrew was asked to explain the comparisons of Rural Water and four possible city system upgrades.  The Council had a lot of questions and wants Andrew to come back with updated figures after additional expenses are added in that were not previously figured.  He stated the dollar amounts were estimates.

Also discussed was a timeline for the project and if the city would be eligible for grant money.  Andrew then left the meeting.

Dale Pagnac and Jerry Grochowski arrived at the meeting.  They are representing D & D Commodities and came before the Council asking permission from the city to put cables for support for their elevator leg structures across Atlantic Avenue.  OTP approved the cables over Atlantic.  Dale & Jerry were given a list of guidelines from the LMC that need to be followed.  A contract will also be drawn up.  Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to allow D&D Commodities to put cables across Atlantic Avenue as long as they follow the LMC guidelines.  Motion carried.  Dale & Jerry left the meeting.

Mason Sundby and Grant Bergeron arrived at the meeting.  They came to update the Council on the new fire hall they are proposing.  They do not have building cost estimates ready yet.  Next week they will meet with nine townships at their annual meetings and go over the proposed new fire hall.  Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Terry Sundby to approve the City of Argyle to pay 64% of the fire hall costs.  Motion carried.  The percentage was based off of calls from 2012 to 2020.  They will ask the townships to cover the balance – 36%.  Several locations were talked about.  Mason & Grant left the meeting.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Anthony Deschene, to approve the Maintenance Report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the purchase of 12 hanging flower baskets and the city crew to water them and the flower planters and garden club gardens.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to advertise for retired summer help person, summer help kids and Summer Rec Director/Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Bus Driver, and Umpires.  New employees starting at $10.00/hour and returning employees $.50 raise.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed and discussed quotes from LaBine Electric for converting lighting at city buildings to LED.  Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve LaBine Electric to convert the City Hall and Museum lighting to LED and update an outside light on the east side of the City Shop to LED. Motion carried.

The Council reviewed a quote from Display Sales for new Christmas LED lights as the current lights need to be updated.  Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard to purchase the Christmas lights from Display Sales.  Argyle Area Community Foundation will contribute $2,000.00 toward the lighting.  Motion carried.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Anthony Deschene, to approve the Mayor signing the Authorization Application for Airborne Vector Control – this does not commit the City of Argyle to aerial spraying by Airborne Vector Control.  Motion carried.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Anthony Deschene, to waive the rental fee for the Gun Safety Class.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to transfer the cost of the street sweeper, the Atlantic Avenue street overlay, and the Mall overlay from the Gas Fund to the General Fund.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Terry Sundby, to not donate to the Marshall County Fair Board Grandstand campaign.  Aaron abstained.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve sending a letter to the DNR regarding the dam in Island Park and have it signed by the former Mayor, current Mayor, and the Fire Chief.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bills presented for payment.  Motion carried.

Being no further business, motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Anthony Deschene, to adjourn.  Motion carried.

** ALL GARBAGE out for pickup must be properly bagged or tagged.  Garbage cans are not to be larger than 35 gallons.  Garbage cans are not to weigh more than 50 pounds.  If over weight, it may be left or you will be billed additional charges.

**Waste Management recycling tote pickup will be on April 14th.  Please have your totes to the curb 3 feet away from anything by 7:00AM.  PLASTIC BAGS AND AEROSOL CANS ARE NOT RECYCLABLE!
Styrofoam food containers are not recyclable either.

**Building permits are required for any building or remodeling over $500.00.  Building permits are $15.00.

** 2021 Permits for golf carts, ATV’s & UTV’s can be purchased at the City Office for $5.00.  ALL need to be licensed.

** Please save your aluminum cans for the Argyle Volunteer Fire Department.  They have a trailer by the fire hall.  Money raised will be used to purchase equipment.

**Check with the City Office on a yearly garbage fee in place of bags or tags.

** Gas rebate forms are available at the City Office.

** Call before you dig…It’s the Law! Dial 811

** 2021 Pet licenses can be purchased at the City Office for $5.00.  ALL cats and dogs must be licensed.

** Please report street light outages to the City Office.

** After hour payments of City utilities, can be dropped on at the NEW utility drop box located on street by City Office or at United Valley Bank night depository.

February 2021

February 1, 2021- Draft

Mayor Terry Sundby, Anthony Deschene, David Sorenson, Aaron Rivard, and David Gunderson met at the Argyle Fire Hall on February 1, 2021 at 6:30PM.  Also in attendance were firemen Mason Sundby, Nick Safranski, Nate Anderson and Tony Safranski.  Vicki Tulibaski also attended the meeting.  The firemen wanted the Council to look at the cramped space for all their equipment.  Then everyone went to the Argyle Community Center for the Council meeting.

Mayor Terry Sundby opened the February 1, 2021 Argyle City Council meeting in the Community Center.  In attendance were Mayor Sundby, Anthony Deschene, David Sorenson, Aaron Rivard and David Gunderson.  Also in attendance were Mason Sundby, Nick Safranski, Nate Anderson, Brady Swanson, Tony Safranski and Vicki Tulibaski.  Motion by David Gunderson, second by Anthony Deschene, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried.

Mason Sundby was the spokesman for the AFD.  He explained to the Council that the fire department would like a new fire hall and what they would like to have in it.  The main concern is the lack of space in the current fire hall.  They have set up a committee and have been looking at other fire halls.  The committee plans to get more information and will keep the Council updated.  Their main purpose tonight was to let the Council know that they are serious about wanting a new fire hall and wanted to find out the Council’s opinion.  General consensus of the Council was that a new fire hall is needed.  They will continue to update the Council.  The firemen then left the meeting.

Brady Swanson handed out information on the insurance renewal and went over the coverages and limits with the Council.  On a motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, the Council approved by resolution to not waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability.  Motion carried.

The Council then reviewed the email update from Andrew Aakre from Moore Engineering.

The Mayor opened the sealed bids received on the tractor/snowblower and the Ford dump truck.  Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to accept the bid from Joel St. Germain for the Ford truck and the bid from Ryan Kazmierczak for the tractor/snowblower.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the written Maintenance Report.  Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the written Maintenance Report.  Motion carried.

The Council then reviewed an energy efficiency assessment on the city buildings done by Paul Hoeschen, Energy Efficiency Technical Advisor from Minnesota Rural Water Association.  He is also doing a lighting study.  He suggested updating the interior and exterior lights to LED as there are rebates available.  Tony is having Charlie LaBine get a bid for the LED upgrade.

The Council was informed that City Office & City Shop will be closed on Monday, February 15th in observance of President’s Day.

Motion by David Sorenson, second by Anthony Deschene, to turn the Arturo Martinez delinquent account over to collection.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, that if the city employees would like Aflac insurance it would be deducted from their pay checks.  Motion carried.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to have the public in attendance at their Board of Appeal & Equalization meeting in May.  Motion carried.

On a motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to Council approved by resolution the amendment of the A.R.E.D.A. Bylaws SECTION 1. Membership. Motion carried.

The Council then reviewed an email from Ceil Strauss regarding the flood plain area and internal drainage.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to approve the building permit of Misselhorn Tiling & Excavation for remodel of office.  Motion carried.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the following 2021 AFD Officers:
Chief – Anthony Deschene; Asst. Chief – Erin Anderson; Secretary – Brady Swanson; Treas. – Rick Kroll; EMS – Rob Clausen; Chief Engineer – Tim Tulibaski; Ventilation Officer – Eric Magnusson; Interior Officer – Dillon Erickson; Training Officers – Mason Sundby, Nic Thompson, Nathan Anderson; Safety Officer – Kelly Durand.  Motion carried. Anthony Deschene presented the AFD 2020 Summary.  There was a total of 74 calls – 44 medical calls, 23 fire calls, 7 rescue calls and 2 mutual aid calls.

The Council then reviewed the bills presented for payment, the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, account balances, delinquent accounts and vacation & sick leave.  Motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, to approve the bills presented for payment.  Motion carried.

Being no further business, motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to adjourn.  Motion carried.

– Waste Management recycling tote pickup will be on March 11th. Please have your totes to the curb 3 feet away from anything by 7:00AM.  Plastic Bags & Aerosol cans are not recyclable.

– Requests for Winter Months – Please DO NOT leave cars & trailers on streets for easier snow removal.  Please stay away from snow removal equipment – give them room to do their job!

– Please keep all gates open and free of snow so that meters can be read.  Thanks for your cooperation!

– While clearing your driveway isn’t a crime, the way you clean it may be.  According to MN Statute 106.2715, ” (a) Except for the actions of the road authorities, their agents, employees, contractors & utilities in carrying out their duties imposed by law or contract; & except as herein provided, it shall be unlawful to : (1) obstruct any highway or deposit snow or ice thereon and (b) any violation of this section is a misdemeanor. ” This means in laymen’s terms : YOU CAN’T PUSH SNOW ACROSS THE ROAD OR INTO THE STREET TO GET IT OUT OF YOUR DRIVEWAY. Plowing snow out of a yard & onto or across any public road or right of way is illegal (this applies to all city, township, county & state roads).

– ALL GAS CUSTOMERS: Please keep snow cleared from your gas meter and vent.  A dangerous condition exists should your gas meter and vent become blocked with snow.  Please keep checking this until the snow melts.

– 2021 Pet Licenses can be purchased at the City Office for $5.00.

– ALL GARBAGE out for pickup must be properly bagged or tagged.  Garbage cans are not to be larger than 35 gallons. Garbage cans are not to weight more than 50 pounds.  If over weight, it may be left or you will be billed additional charges.

– Please help the fire department: Help keep your fire hydrants cleared of snow.

– Please save your aluminum cans for the Argyle Volunteer Fire Department.  They have a trailer by the fire hall.  Money raised will be used to purchase equipment.

– Check with the City Office on a yearly garbage fee in place of bags and tags. And gas rebates.