January 3, 2022

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the January 3, 2022, City Council Meeting at the Argyle City Hall at 7:00 PM. Present were Mayor Sundby, David Sorenson, David Gunderson, Aaron Rivard, and Anthony Deschene. Also in attendance were Tony Safranski, Engineer Jerry Pribula, and Tamara Benitt. Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.

Engineer Jerry Pribula came before the Council to discuss the Rural Water project updates and location of the reservoir.

Tony Safranski commented on a sewer line plug up. After the camera ran down the pipe, it was not the City’s problem but the homeowners.

The Council is requesting to extend the amount of time they can review the Minnesota Basic Code and the Minnesota Livable City Code. They want to compare the two before putting anything into policy.

On a motion by David Sorenson, second by Tony Deschene, to approve the quote from LMCIT and offer short term disability insurance to all full-time employees. Abstained: David Gunderson.

On a motion by Aaron Rivard, the resolution to Approve Annual Designations, Appointments, and Rental & Fee Schedule for 2022 was adopted with a second by David Gunderson.

The Council reviewed the utility rate schedule for 2022. After much discussion, the residential water rates will raise to $8.50/1,000 gallons, commercial water rates will raise to $9.75/1,000 gallons, and bulk water rates will raise to $15.00/1,000 gallons. On a motion by David Gunderson, the resolution to approve the 2022 utility rates and natural gas rebates was adopted with a second by David Sorenson.

There were no bids received on Auditor’s Subdivision Lots 98-99.

On a motion by Tony Deschene, the resolution revoking mail balloting was adopted with a second by Aaron Rivard.

FEMA issued a Letter of Map Revision for the flood area in city limits. Tamara is questioning the area and will report back at the February meeting.

Motion by David Sorenson, second by Tony Deschene to approve the building permit for Scot Hoeper, new shower/bathtub.

The Council was informed that the City Office & City Shop will be closed on Monday, January 17, 2022 in observance for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Kaizen Architechtural Group will not be at this meeting with Fire Hall Feasibility Study. Tony Deschene will take the designs and plans to the Firemen Committee and see what they can change in order to get to the budget of $900,000.

The A.R.E.D.A. board decided to bring back Argyle Bucks. Argyle Bucks will be ran through A.R.E.D.A. and can be purchased at the City Office. Argyle Bucks can be used at all participating Argyle businesses.

A Business each month will be featured as the “In the Spotlight Business” in the newsletter and also on the City of Argyle Facebook page. We need to promote shopping  local and inform the residents what is available within the City of Argyle. This is just a free little advertisement for the business.

Middle-Snake-Tamarac Rivers Watershed District sent a letter regarding the redetermination of benefits for State Ditch 3. Tamara called to have a meeting about this issue. They stated that the ditch runs by where the City owns property by the lagoon. Since there is such an insignificant amount of land owned by the City, there is no need to meet with the Watershed to change any drainage.

Tamara informed the council what information was found in her researching the 2020 Census population decrease for the City of Argyle. Government units can only request a review of housing counts. They cannot request a review of population counts. The Council informed Tamara to stop researching the Census.

On a motion by David Sorenson, second by Tony Deschene, the Argyle City Council approves the Mayor and Clerk signatures on the contract with Brady Martz for auditing services for the 2021 fiscal year.

Delinquent accounts were discussed. The policy needs to be followed so any account after two months of no payment, water will be shut off. Tamara is to give a courtesy call before shut-off. Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bills presented for payment, the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, delinquent accounts and vacation & sick leave. Motion carried.

Being no further business, motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to adjourn. Motion carried.

Argyle offers a yearly garbage pickup fee. $100/35 gallon garbage can.

Stop by City Office to purchase your yearly sticker.

Reminder: Waste Management recycling tote pickup will be on February 16, 2022.

City Office & City Shop Hours: Monday-Thursday 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Friday 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM.



1. Please do not leave cars & trailers on streets for easier snow removal.

2. Please stay away from Snow Removal Equipment. Give them room to do their job!!!

3. Please keep all gates open and free of snow so that meters can be read. Thank You for your cooperation!

4. A reminder from the Argyle Gas Department: Please keep snow cleared from your gas meter and vent. A dangerous condition exists should your gas meter and vent become blocked with snow. Please keep checking this until the snow melts.

5. Please help the Fire Department by keeping your fire hydrants cleared of snow.



December 6, 2021

Vice-Mayor David Gunderson opened the December 6, 2021, Truth-In-Taxation meeting at 7:00 PM. Present were David Gunderson, David Sorenson, Anthony Deschene, and Aaron Rivard. Mayor Terry Sundby was in attendance via Zoom. Also in attendance were Tony Safranski, Michael Pagnac, and Tamara Benitt. No one from the public attended and no one called the city Office with questions or complaints. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Tony Deschene, to close the Truth-In-Taxation meeting.

Vice-Mayor David Gunderson called to order the December 6, 2021, Argyle City Council meeting at 7:00 PM in the Argyle City Office. Present were David Sorenson, Anthony Deschene, and Aaron Rivard. Mayor Terry Sundby was in attendance via Zoom. Also in attendance were Tony Safranski, Michael Pagnac, and Tamara Benitt. Motion by Tony Deschene, second by David Sorenson to approve the agenda. Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the minutes of the previous meetings.

The Council discussed the purchase of a tractor. Tony Safranski will continue to search for one. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to approve the Maintenance Report.

On a motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Tony Deschene, Resolution 19-2021, Approve Levy for 2022, was approved.

After some discussion, Resolution 20-2021, 2022 Budget, was approved on a motion by Tony Deschene, second by David Sorenson.

The Council is requesting the Minnesota Livable City Code book to review.

The League of Minnesota cities will be asked to provide a quote on a group short-term disability policy.

On a motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, the Personnel Policy with the vacation time update and weekend duty must stay within 60 minutes of Argyle amendment was approved.

After a long discussion, the council decided to run with a two-man City Crew. This will be reevaluated at the April 2022 Council Meeting.

There was one late bid received on Auditor’s Subdivision Lots 98-99. Since it was late the Council did not accept the bid and will readvertise the lots for sale.

Resolution 21-2021, Designating Annual Polling Place, was approved on a motion by Tony Deschene, second by David Sorenson. The City of Argyle polling place will now be the Argyle Community Center and not mail-in ballots.

The Council approved Resolution 22-2021 to accept the redistribution of unrequested Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund established under the American Rescue Plan Act, which was motioned by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard.

The following building permits were applied for: Jerry Whitlow, gutters and chimney in shop; Rose City Canopy & Sign, update existing signage at CHS, and David Sorenson, utility shed-storage. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson to approve the building permits.

Vacation Hours Use for Karen Gunderson was discussed. David Gunderson abstained from this matter.

Jeff Hane of Brink Lawyers drafted a letter to Arturo Martinez, Jr. since that is the next step in the process of the clean-up of his property.

Since Julian Kostrzewski passing, the Council will table the house/garage removal until the Spring/Summer of 2022.

The Council was informed that there is an available on-line training for the local board of appeal and equalization.

On a motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, the following Resolutions 23-2021 and Resolutions 24-2021 were approved. They were to approve donations to the City of Argyle and Argyle Fire Department since 6/1/2021.

The City Office and City Shop will be closed December 24th & 27th for the observance of Christmas and Friday December 31st for New Year’s Day.

The council is not going to participate in the new public awareness program, Help Me Grow.

Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to allow Community Education to use the Community Center at no charge for dance classes.

The City of Argyle closed the Disaster damage case (May rainstorm) with the State of Minnesota. We received $24,363.44, which was 75% of the project cost.

Jeff Hane from Brink Lawyers sent a letter regarding Trevor Benitt Construction bidding on the Small Cities Grant Project. Jeff also agreed that there is no conflict of interest.

A.R.E.D.A. hosted the city-wide clean-up. The board was willing to pay up to $10,000.00 of the cost. The total was $9,166.00.

Kaizen Architectural Group is still working on the final Fire Hall Feasibility Study.

Ron Rudd from Northwest Service Cooperative submitted and environmental Health & Safety Summary Report.

The Council discussed a delinquent account. The new policy is to shut off utilities after three months of non-payment.

The Council reviewed the bills presented for payment. The delinquent accounts, profit and loss and balance sheet were also reviewed. Motion by Tony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to approve the bills presented for payment and the financial reports.

Being no further business, motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to adjourn the meeting.

Argyle offers a yearly garbage pickup fee. $100.00/35 gallon garbage can.

Stop by City Office to purchase your yearly sticker.


Waste Management recycling tote pickup

will be on January 12,2022.

City Office & City Shop Hours

Monday to Thursday 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Friday 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM




November 1, 2021

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the public hearing on November 1, 2021, at 6:00pm in the City Hall. The Public Hearing was discussing the rezoning of residential lots Auditor’s Subdivision Lots 98-99, 110 East 5th Street, to Commercial Lots.

In attendance were Councilmen: Terry Sundby, Tony Deschene, David Gunderson, David Sorenson, and Aaron Rivard. Also in attendance was Tamara Benitt, Justin McMahon, Wade Danielson, Dan representing Argyle Coop. Warehouse, and Lowell & Jennifer Engen.

After much discussion, the Council decided to leave the lots zoned as Residential. The two lots are in one parcel and have water, sewer, and gas available on the lots. The Council will accept sealed bids on this parcel with the minimum being $5,000.00. The bids will be opened at the December Council meeting.

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the council meeting on November 1, 2021, at 7:00PM in the Argyle City Office. Present was Mayor Terry Sundby, Aaron Rivard, Tony Deschene, David Sorenson, and David Gunderson. Also in attendance was Tony Safranski, Jason Gohman of Northwest Community Action and Tamara Benitt. Motion by David Gunderson, second by Tony Deschene, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.

The Council received a disclosure of the conflict with the City of Argyle and Trevor Benitt Construction. Since Argyle is the Small City grantee, there is a conflict because of Tamara in her position. The Council feels there is no conflict and feel as though Trevor Benitt Construction can bid within the city of Argyle on the Small Cities Grant Project.

Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the Maintenance Report.

The Council wants to table the personnel policy until December when the short-term disability benefit can be added. The Council wants another quote on a group short-term disability plan.

After much discussion about the pay step schedule, Karen and Michael will get their step along with a 3% increase and Tony and Tamara will get a 3% increase. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson to approve the employee raises.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to check to see if we can preview before the purchase of the Minnesota Basic code, if not go ahead and purchase.

Markit County Grain has been reimbursed for putting in natural gas by the City offering gas to them at the discounted rate. Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard to set the natural gas rate to Markit County Grain at $1.15/unit.

Wiktel and BNSF will be replacing and constructing new 120′ towers within the City limits.

Argyle’s population has dropped from 639 in 2010 to 544 in 2020. The Council wants to question this data, the Census will send out a letter in December that has directions included on how to question the data.

Motion by David Sorenson, second by Tony Deschene, to approve the building permit of Janet St. Germain, landscaping and deck.

A letter was sent to Arturo Martinez Jr about the removal of his house and the cleaning up of the yard. The City also questioned him to turn the burden and expenses over to the City. If the property is turned over to the City, there are County funds available for cleaning up the property.

Mayor Terry Sundby met with Debbie Kostrzewski about her property. Terry will set up a meeting between the two of them and Scott Peters to see what can happen with the house and garage removal.

The City office and City Shop will be closed on Thursday, November 11th in honor of Veteran’s Day and Thursday, November 25th for Thanksgiving.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to rent the hot/cold cooler and try it out in the City Office.

Tamara attended a LMC meeting in Warren on Monday, October 25th.

The Council reviewed the bills presented for payment. The delinquent accounts, profit and loss and balance sheet were also reviewed. Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bills presented for payment and the financial reports.

Tony Safranski questioned if the City Shop could get two new walk-in doors as they are in tough shape. The Council agreed to the two new doors.

Kaizen Architectural Group will be at the December Council meeting to discuss the Fire Hall Feasibility Study.

On a motion by David Gunderson, second by Tony Deschene, to raise the hourly rate of temporary workers to $15.00/hr.

Tony Safranski informed the Council the gate leading to the piles North of town was removed. The Council wants Tony to notify the Sheriff of the poles being removed at the piles. There is a no trespassing sign posted so a law was broken.

The Council wants put in the monthly newsletter that any building permit must be purchased prior to the project because City Codes need to be followed and enforced. Building permits are for anything over $500.00 including sheds on skids.

Being no further business, motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to adjourn the meeting.





City Office and City Shop Hours

Monday to Thursday 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Friday 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM






OCTOBER 4, 2021

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the Council meeting on October 4th, 2021, at 7:00PM in the Argyle City Office. Present were Terry Sundby, Tony Deschene, David Sorenson, and David Gunderson. Aaron Rivard was on Zoom. Also in attendance was Tony Safranski, Michael Pagnac, and Tamara Benitt.

Motion by Tony Deschene, second by David Gunderson, to approve the minutes of the previous meetings with the amendment.

Motion by Tony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to approve the Maintenance Report.

The Council discussed the Helen Anderson land purchase and the Fire Hall Feasibility Study.

Chad Swanson came before the Council to discuss building a garage in his open lots. The Council told Chad the building can only have 12′ sidewalls according to the City Ordinance. The building meet all City Codes.

The Council reviewed and discussed the Personnel Policy. After discussion, there were changes made. The changes will be made and reviewed again at the November meeting.

There will be a Public Hearing on November 1, 2021, at 6:00PM in the Argyle Community Center. The public hearing is for the rezoning of Auditor’s Subdivision, Lots 98-99 from Residential to Commercial.

The Council reviewed the Summer Rec. and 21st Century Summer Activity Report. The Council feels the program went well and will leave it as is.

On a motion by Tony Deschene, second by Terry Sundby, to appoint David Gunderson to the A.R.E.D.A. board.

Motion by Tony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to adopt Resolution 17-2021 & Resolution 18-2021 which approved the liquor licenses for Hogberg-Gerszewski Post 353 of the American Legion and The Dell, LLC.

On a motion by David Gunderson, second by Tony Deschene, the following building permits were approved: Julie LaBine: garden shed, Gordon Ellefson: walk in shower, and Noel Weld: cement slab. The Council thinks that a site plan and drawing should be brought in when there is an addition or new construction.

On a motion by Tony Deschene, second by David Gunderson to replace Terry Sundby as building inspector with David Sorenson.

Cold Weather Rule is in effect from October 1, 2021 to April 30, 2022.

The Marshall County Affordable Housing committee meet. The Loan Pool assisted 8 homes and 6 businesses with down-payment assistance in 2021.

The Council is researching the status of Arturo Martinez’s home. The City would like to remove the burnt house and clean up the lot.

There were improvements made to the delinquent policy. The City will now be shutting off customers who are two months delinquent on their utility bill. The office will be contacting the current delinquent accounts to let them know the new policy.

The A.R.E.D.A. Board was curious as to the status on the Mall/Community Center door. The Council feels there is not a need for it at this time.

Terry Sundby has been in contact with Julian Kostrzewski about the removal of house and garage. The County has funds available to assist with the tear down and removal. The Council wants to keep moving forward on this project.

The council was asked if the residential lots available could be used for garages. The Council wants to keep these lots for residential homes.

Motion by David Sorenson, second by David Gunderson, to approve the bills presented for payment and the financial reports.

The City has a job opening for a Maintenance Worker. Applications and job descriptions can be picked up at the Argyle City Office.

The Council discussed trees on the berm.

Being no further business, motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Tony Deschene to adjourn the meeting.









FRIDAY 7:00 AM TO 11:00 PM

September 7, 2021

The Council had employee performance reviews with Michael Pagnac and Tony Safranski.

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the Council meeting on September, 7 2021, at 7:00 PM in the Argyle City Office. Present were Tony Deschene, Aaron Rivard, David Sorenson, and David Gunderson. Also in attendance was Tony Safranski, Jon LaBine, and Tamara Benitt. Motion By David Gunderson, second by Tony Deschene, to approve the minutes of the Previous meetings. Motion carried.

Jon LaBine of Hometown Harvest Ag came before the Council to discuss his future business plans and purchase of land from the City.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, to approve the Maintenance Report.

The closing date on the Helen Anderson land purchase is Wednesday, September 15th at 10:00 AM.

The Council will receive a bid from Misselhorn Tiling and Excavation on Lincoln Avenue and get on their schedule for Spring.

The council is discussing purchasing the S 1/2 of Lot 46 in Auditors Subdivision.

Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the feasibility study on the new fire hall with Kaizen Architectural Group for the cost of $8,700.00.

On a motion by Aaron Rivard, The City Council of Argyle, Minnesota ordains: Ordinance No. 1-2021 Curfew

Section 1. Certain Minors Forbidden on the Streets at Night. No person under the age of sixteen years shall be or loiter upon any of the public streets, alleys, or public grounds of the municipality between the hours of 10:00 pm and 5:00 am unless accompanied by and under the control of some person of lawful age, or upon some errand by permission or direction of his or her parent, guardian, or employer. Such minor person shall not then loiter on the way nor make any undue noise to disturb the peace and quiet of the municipality.

SECTION 2. Enforcement. Violation of this ordinance shall be a petty misdemeanor.

Second by Tony Deschene to approve the City Council to ordain ordinance No. 1-2021 related to curfew.

Mike Peterson from The Dell addressed the Council on his new liquor license and some future plans.

On a motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, the resolution 15-2021 Property Tax Levy was adopted.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to raise residential rates $.35/month for a total of $11.85.

On a motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, the resolution 16-2021 Proposed 2022 Budget be approved.

The Council tabled wages for 2022 until the November Council Meeting.

The Council is interested in turning Lots 98-99 of Auditor’s Subdivision into commercial lots instead of residential lots. This is tabled until next meeting.

On a Motion by Tony Deschene, second David Gunderson to approve the following building permits: Frank Rybaski: shingles, Charles LaBine: turn porch into closet, Anita Brazier: windows and outside updates.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, to approve the Community Water Supply Service Connection Fee of $9.72 to be billed on the October bill and to pay the State of Minnesota.

Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve to turn Alicia Boman over to a collection agency: $1,016.18

Northwest Service Cooperative did a training for the City Crew.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to approve the Argyle fire Department purchase of a 2005 Sterling, Model Acterra, 3000-gallon water tender for the price of $6,000.00.

Minnesota’s Water Assistancee Program will be available October 1st, 2021.

After some discussion, motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, to approve the new hours Monday-Thursday 7:00 am-4:30 pm and Friday 7:00 am-11:00 am for the City Office and City Shop. AYE: Gunderson, Rivard, Sorenson NAY: Deschene

The City of Argyle accepted the resignation of Trevor Hoeper and are taking applications for a Maintenance Worker. Applications can be picked up at the Argyle City Office.

The Council received a Thank You note from Ex-Mayor Bob Clausen. I would like to thank the City Crew, Karen, and City Council for helping me plan and work the appreciation supper for Bob.

Tony Safranski brought up the Olson Underground boring bill for Misselhorn Tiling & Excavation. He asked if the Council would want to help Misselhorn pay for any of it. No action was taken by the Council.

The Council reviewed the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Delinquent Accounts, account balances and the bills presented for payment. Motion by Tony Deschene, second by David Gunderson, to approve the bills presented for payment.

The Council will review the Personnel Policy at the October meeting.

Being no further businesses, motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to adjourn. Motion carried.



FRIDAY  7:00 AM TO 11:00 AM


The state mandated community water supply service connection fee of $9.72 is on the October Utility bill. This payment goes to the State of Minnesota and is a yearly fee.