Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the Council meeting on June 3rd, 2024, at 7:00 PM in the Argyle City Office. Present were Aaron Rivard, Tony Deschene, Penni Anderson, and David Gunderson. Also in attendance were Mark Robertson, Brent Riopelle, Savannah Yutrzenka, Dan & Renae Lindgren, Michael Pagnac, and Tamara Benitt. Motion by Penni Anderson, seconded by Aaron Rivard, to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried.

Mark Robertson, Brent Riopelle, and Savannah Yutrzenka presented their pickle ball court improvements idea. They would like to fundraise up to $70,000 to cover the cost of courts, nets, benches, windscreens, and drain tile. Motion by Penni Anderson, seconded by Aaron Rivard, to encourage $70,000 fundraising goal and to approve the City to receive fundraising donations. Motion carried. Please consider donating to the pickleball courts. The Council thanked them for taking the initiative and they then left the meeting.

Motion by Tony Deschene, seconded by David Gunderson, to approve the change out of newly rebuilt pump once finished and send the currently used pump for repairs so it can be used as back up. Motion carried.

The secondary well project will start once LTP can drill the test well and get the screen ordered.

Tamara attended the Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) Project kick-off meeting on 5/14/24 with MnDOT, Jon Olson, and Lon Aune to discuss the $1.5 million grant received by the City of Argyle.

Tony Safranski resigned from the City Superintendent position with his last day being Monday, June 10th. The Council would like to hire a three (3) man City crew, so advertise immediately for a Maintenance and working Superintendent. Motion by David Gunderson, seconded by Penni Anderson, to approve temporary hourly compensation for Michael Pagnac until the position is filled and will be reviewed at that time. Motion carried. The City of Stephen will be contacted to see if they would be in favor of having City Crew employees on call in both Argyle and Stephen on the same weekend temporarily.

Motion by Tony Deschene, seconded by Aaron Rivard, to approve Resolution 11-2024 – Temporary Community Festival Liquor License for the Dell Steakhouse & Lounge, LLC. Motion carried.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, seconded by David Gunderson, to approve Resolution 13-2024 – Accept all donations to Argyle Fire Department since 12-1-23 and Resolution 14-2024 – Accept all donations to city from 12-1-23. Motion carried.

Motion by Tony Deschene, seconded by Aaron Rivard, to approve the building permits: St. Gabe’s/Angela Smithee, Managing Member – Brick repair and sidewalk, and Jeff Radeke – reside garage. Motion carried.

There is a group of investors that are interested in constructing duplexes. The Council would be willing to donate the current $1.00 City lots to anyone that is willing to invest in housing.

Public Hearing Notice for Middle-Snake-Tamarac Rivers Watershed district sitting as the drainage authority for redetermination of benefits to State Ditch #3. Hearing will be held at 5:30PM on Monday, June 24th at the Community Center in Argyle.

Motion by David Gunderson, seconded by Aaron Rivard, to approve an economic development contribution to AREDA up to $15,000.00. Motion carried.

Tamara attended the yearly Opioid Grant Community Meeting on May 16th at the Marshall County Courthouse.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, seconded by Penni Anderson, to approve members of the Community Club as volunteers of the City of Argyle for Meet Your Neighbor Day. Motion carried.

The Council reviewed a summary report from Ron Ruud of Northwest Service Cooperative.

Notice of Public Hearing – Northwest Regional Development Commission – 2025 Budget – June 4th at 9:00AM at NWRDC Office in Warren.

City Office and City Shop will be closed Wednesday, June 19th, Juneteenth.

Dan Lindgren will volunteer to mow and bag Thissel Park for the summer.

Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bills presented for payment, the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, delinquent accounts and vacation & sick leave. Motion carried.

Being no further business, motion by Penni Anderson, second by Tony Deschene, to adjourn. Motion carried.

Thank you to all residents that have pitched in to make Argyle look more presentable! We really do appreciate your volunteering and taking pride in our community.

Reminder: Waste Management recycling tote pickup will be on July 10th, 2024.


After getting your weekend yard work done, haul garden and yard waste (trees, branches, leaves, etc.) to your berm and the City Crew will pick up on Monday. All smaller clippings must be bagged or in a can.

1/2 truckload – $30.00      Full truckload – $50.00     Anything smaller is free of charge