Mayor Terry Sundby opened the December 2, 2024, Truth-In-Taxation meeting at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Sundby, Aaron Rivard, Penni Anderson, and Tony Deschene. Absent was David Gunderson. Tamara Benitt and Jacob Davis were also in attendance.
No one from the public attended and no questions or concerns were presented to the City Office.
Motion by Tony Deschene, seconded by Aaron Rivard, to close the Truth-In-Taxation meeting. Motion carried.
Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the Council meeting on December 2, 2024, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Sundby, Aaron Rivard, Tony Deschene, and Penni Anderson. Absent was David Gunderson. Also in attendance were Mark Larson, Zach Beaudry, Jeff Beaudry, Jacob Davis, and Tamara Benitt. Motion by Penni Anderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried.
Motion by Penni Anderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the Maintenance Report. Motion carried.
Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Penni Anderson, to contact Melissa Knutson at CPS Engineering for options for future expansion and the infrastructure plan. Motion carried.
Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Penni Anderson, to approve Jeff Hane to send a certified letter to Guillermo and Ana Ramirez offering to purchase their property for $1,500.00 or else we will start the hazard building abatement. Motion carried.
On a motion by Aaron Rivard, RESOLUTION 24-2024, RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES RELATING TO COMLIANCE WITH REIMBURSEMENT BOND REGULATIONS UNDER THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, was approved with Penni Anderson seconded the motion, and the same being put to a vote was duly carried.
On a motion by Penni Anderson, RESOLUTION 25-2024, APPROVE LEVY FOR 2025, and RESOLUTION 26-2024, APPROVE 2025 BUDGET, was approved with Aaron Rivard seconded the motion, and the same being put to a vote was duly carried.
Building permits: Bob St. Germain – windows. Motion by Tony Deschene, seconded by Penni Anderson, to approve the building permits. Motion carried.
Motion by Penni Anderson, second by Tony Deschene, to give all City employees Christmas Eve off with holiday pay. Motion carried. The City Office and City Shop will be closed Wednesday, December 25th, and Wednesday, January 1st, New Year’s Day.
On a motion by Aaron Rivard, RESOLUTION 27-2024, APPROVE DONATIONS TO CITY OF ARGYLE SINCE 6/1/24, and RESOLUTION 28-2024, APPROVE DONATIONS TO THE ARGYLE FIRE DEPARTMENT SINCE 6/1/24, was APPROVED by Penni Anderson seconded the motion, and the same being put to a vote was duly carried.
Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Penni Anderson, to approve joining the Regional Safety Group with the surrounding communities. Motion carried.
Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve hiring Nelson Technologies to inspect and make any repairs to the Markit reg station. Motion carried.
Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Penni Anderson, to approve the bills presented for payment, the Profit & Loss Balance Sheet, delinquent accounts and vacation & sick leave. Motion carried.
Being no further business, motion by Tony Deschene, second by Terry Sundby, to adjourn. Motion carried.
CITY OFFICE AND CITY SHOP HOURS: Monday – Thursday, 7:00am – 4:30pm. Friday, 7:00am – 11:00am.
Credit card payments and ACH (automatic withdrawal) payments are available.
Waste Management recycling tote pickup will be on January 8th, 2025.
A.R.E.D.A. Next meeting Wednesday, January 15th 7:00AM Argyle Council Chambers.