April 2023
Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the Council meeting on April 10, 2023, at 7:00 PM in the Argyle City Office. Present were Mayor Sundby, David Gunderson, Aaron Rivard, Tony Deschene, and Penni Anderson. Also in attendance were Michael Pagnac, Tony Safranski, Brian Opsahl of Brady Martz & Associates, and Tamara Benitt. Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried.
Brian Opsahl from Brady, Martz presented the 2022 Audit to the Council. He recommends the City should continue to monitor the revenues and expenses of all funds.
Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Tony Deschene, to approve the Maintenance Report. Motion carried. Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the purchase of the 2015 John Deere 310SL from RDO Equipment at $62,000 with paying for in 2024. Motion carried.
Motion by Tony Deschene, seconded by Penni Anderson, to approve the security camera policy as presented. Motion carried.
On a motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to hire Mower – Dale Clausen, Summer Worker – Paige Zacha, Head Coach/Director – Ashten Safranski, Assistant Summer Rec Coach – Carsen Safranski, Seasonal Waterer – Britni Kroll and Sherry Donarski – Bus Driver. Motion carried.
Motion by Penni Anderson, to rename the Pedestrian Park to Thissel Park. Aaron Rivard closed the meeting due to conflict of interest, so Terry, Tamara, Michael, and Tony Safranski left the meeting. When they were done discussing, everyone was called back in, and the meeting resumed. There was a lengthy discussion. No second was made to the motion, so no vote, and they tabled to naming to a later date.
Brian Voytilla of Misselhorn Tiling & Excavation met with Tamara and Tony about the infrastructure addition in Bradford. There are water and sewer mains located in Bradford Addition, so it would be 8 water and sewer hookups installed, which would be on per lot. A bid will be presented at the next meeting.
On a motion by Aaron Rivard, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION 05-2023: ACCEPTING BID FOR SECOND STREET IMPROVEMENTS. David Gunderson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
An update on the second well installation was received by Jon Olson of Apex Engineering. The survey is completed for the well. Their sub-consultant, LRE is beginning the well design. He anticipates that to be completed within a month or so. They will be coordinating with the DNR and MDH during this time. We are still targeting the early part of the construction season. Apex Engineering will continue with their engineering services for Lincoln Avenue.
Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Penni Anderson, to allow the installation of championship signs by the Argyle sign and baseball field. Motion carried.
Various locations for the Fire Hall were discussed.
The Council reviewed the previous Calcium Chloride Map. East 2nd Street was eliminated due to the upcoming paving project. Since 2nd Street will be eliminated, the Council decided to extend 6th Street up to Cedar Avenue. Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to sign the contract with Marshall County to have them apply calcium chloride on the new map locations. Motion carried.
Motion by David Gunderson, second by Penni Anderson, to not donate to the North Valley Health Center golf tournament. Motion carried.
Tony Safranski will be attending the Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety Education Conference in Duluth April 17-20.
Cold Weather Rule is no longer in effect as of April 30, 2023.
The City Office & City Shop was closed Good Friday, April 7, 2023.
The water tower is on schedule for the middle of June for the new top and painting is scheduled for July. Bulkfills have been sent letters with this information as they will be closed.
The maintenance of the baseball field was discussed. A meeting will be set up with the school, coaches, and City to discuss responsibilities and duties.
The Council reviewed the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Delinquent Accounts, vacation & sick leave and bills presented for payment. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Penni Anderson, to approve the bills for payment, the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, delinquent accounts and vacation & sick leave. Motion carried.
It was questioned as to when the Council meetings are held and who decides when they should be moved. City Code states that if the first Monday does not work for a quorum to be present than it is to be held the next day.
Being no further business, motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to adjourn. Motion carried.
Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the Special meeting on April 14, 2023, at 7:00 AM in the Argyle City Office. Present were Mayor Sundby, David Gunderson, Aaron Rivard, Tony Deschene, and Penni Anderson. Also in attendance were Tamara Benitt and residents.
Penni recapped the process leading up to this special meeting. Penni and David called the special meeting to discuss the renaming of the Pedestrian Park to Thissel Park – in honor of Mason Sundby.
On a motion by Penni Anderson, second by David Gunderson, to approve the renaming of Pedestrian Park to Thissel Park. Motion carried.
Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Penni Anderson to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
REMINDER: Waste Management recycling tote pickup will be on May 10, 2023.
City Office & City Shop Hours: Monday – Thursday 7:00 AM – 4:30 PM – Friday 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM.
Utility Payments can be made with a credit card or stop by the City Office to sign up for ACH (Automatic Withdrawal).