September 2023

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the Council meeting on September 5, 2023, at 7:00 PM in the Argyle City Office. Present were Mayor Sundby, Aaron Rivard, David Gunderson, and Penni Anderson. Absent was Tony Deschene. Also in attendance were Michael Pagnac and Tamara Benitt. Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried.

On a motion by David Gunderson, Resolution 13-2023, Rezoning of residential lots to commercial lots for Argyle Original, Block 1, Lots 20 & 21 was adopted. Seconded by Terry Sundby. AYE: Gunderson, Sundby, Anderson NAY: Rivard ABSENT: Deschene

Motion by Aaron Rivard, seconded by David Gunderson, to approve the Maintenance Report. Motion carried.

Mayor Sundby opened the sealed bids for the 1988 F-150 with a 30-foot sprayer. Motion by Aaron Rivard, seconded by Penni Anderson, to approve the bid of Jason Bregier at $955.00. Motion carried.

Motion by Penni Anderson, seconded by Aaron Rivard, to approve and add the On-Call Policy to the Personnel Policy. Motion carried.

Bradford Addition housing expansion was discussed. Water, sewer, and gas will be installed to all properties by freeze up.

On a motion by David Gunderson, Resolution 14-2023, Set Hearing for Proposed Assessment of 2nd Street from Hedquist Avenue to River Street was adopted. Seconded by Aaron Rivard, and the same being put to a vote was duly carried.

The well plans have been submitted to the Minnesota Department of Health for permitting. The lawyer is drawing up the final easement.

Jon Olson of Apex Engineering will be meeting with Tamara and Tony to discuss the draft report for the Lincoln Avenue repairs.

On a motion by Penni Anderson, Resolution 15-2023, Approval of Sunday Liquor License for American Legion was adopted. Second by Aaron Rivard, and the same being put to a vote was duly carried.

David Gunderson motioned to approve the following Resolutions: 16-2023 – Approve Proposed Property Tax Levy, 17-2023 – Approve the Preliminary 2024 Budget, and 18-2023 – Approve Argyle Fire Department 2024 Preliminary Budget. Seconded by Aaron Rivard, and the same being put to a vote was duly carried.

Wages for 2024 is tabled to next month.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to adopt Resolution 19-2023, Adopt Procurement Policy. Motion carried.

David Gunderson presented the proposed business incubator building. The Council gave approval to continue with the process by getting bids and AREDA being the fiscal agent.

Building Permits: Mackenzie Montague (Pat Rivard) – bathroom remodel. On a motion by Penni Anderson, seconded by David Gunderson, to approve the building permits. Motion carried.

The corner of Williams Avenue and Third Street is a concern. There is no slope on the gravel road and water just sits. The approach onto Williams Avenue is in poor condition due to the major truck traffic. The Council decided reroute trucks to the North by using either the business’s parking lot entrance or 5th Street. No Truck Allowed signs will be installed. The Council will get bids to repair the sinkhole.

The Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee held two public forums: Wednesday, August 30th & Thursday, August 31st. David and Penni informed the Council that they had a decent turnout to both events. They are still tabulating the answers to the questions asked. A survey was sent out with every utility bill.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the Community Water supply Service Connection Fee of $9.72 to be billed on the October bill to all water users and paid to the State of Minnesota. Motion carried.

The Cold Weather Rule goes into effect October 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024.

A decreased gas rate was locked in for 17 months with Constellation Energy.

The Lions have agreed to donate the hockey boards to St. Thomas, North Dakota.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to transfer funds from general savings and W/S Project Savings to 4M Plus. Motion carried.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Penni Anderson, to approve the bills presented for payment, the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, delinquent accounts and vacation & sick leave. Motion carried.

Terry will contact Arturo Martinez, Jr. about his property.

Being no further business, motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Penni Anderson, to adjourn. Motion carried.

REMINDER: Waste Management recycling tote pickup will be on October 11, 2023.

CITY OFFICE & CITY SHOP HOURS: Monday to Thursday –  7:00 AM to 4:30 Pm  Friday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM.

Utility Payments can be made with a credit card or stop by the City Office to sign up for ACH (automatic withdrawal).

Argyle Area Food Shelf – October 10th – 4:30 to 5:30 PM. Located at St. Rose Church Basement.




August 2023

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the Council meeting on August 7, 2023, at 7:00 PM in the Argyle City Office. Present were Mayor Sundby, Aaron Rivard, David Gunderson, Penni Anderson, and Tony Deschene. Also in attendance were Michael Pagnac, Tony Safranski, Bob Bucklin, and Tamara Benitt. Fire Hall Committee members present were Nathan Anderson, Hunter Yutrzenka, Eric Magnusson, and Austin Sundby. Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried.

The Council discussed the location of the future fire hall. The fire hall will be constructed on the compost site with the sandpile on the north side of County Road 4. The committee will present the bids to the Council once they are received.

A Public Hearing will be set for September 5th at 6:00 PM to consider rezoning Residential Lots: Argyle Original, Block 1, Lots 20 & 21 – to Commercial lots.

Motion by Penni Anderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bid from CC Steel for the cleaning/inspection and extending 8″ pipe in the clear well. Motion carried. Maguire Iron will be here in late August or early September for painting the water tower. The 1988 Ford F150. Runs great. 302 – and 4-wheel drive. 30-foot sprayer with brand new Honda 120 Pump. Selling as package deal. Minimum $500. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to approve the Maintenance Report. Motion carried.

Motion by Penni Anderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve long-term disability for all full-time employees at a monthly benefit of $500 and allow each employee to purchase more. Motion carried.

The Council decided to divide the Bradford Addition into larger portions to add an incentive for building a new house. Motion by David Gunderson, second by Penni Anderson, to sell the double lots in Bradford Addition at $15,000 to allow 3 properties with the remaining balance coming from the general fund. Motion carried.

On a motion by David Gunderson, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION 12-2023: DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED, AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT. Aaron Rivard seconded the motion, and the same being put to a vote was duly carried.

The landowner has given verbal agreement, so the final well-siting, preparation of easement legal description, and MDH/DNR permitting will occur. The goal is to complete well construction this season.

Jon Olson, from Apex Engineering, informed the Council via email about Lincoln Avenue Improvements. This will be a priority over the next month or two to ensure we are set up for 2024 construction. They are continuing the development proposed improvement alternatives.

Dan Disrud, Minnesota Department of Health District Planner, met with Tamara and Tony on July 20th to track the progress of Wellhead Protection Plan Implementation.

On August 1st, cannabis has been legalized in Minnesota. The League of Minnesota Cities is going to be sharing recommendations shortly on this issue, so the Council feels they will wait for that recommendation. On a motion by David Gunderson, second by Penni Anderson, to amend the Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy. Motion carried.

The Summer Rec income/expense report prepared by Ashten Safranski, Head Coach, was reviewed by the Council.

On a motion by Penni Anderson, second by Aaron Rivard, the following Building Permits were approved: Richard Deschene-Shingle replacement; Mike & Laurie Sczepanski – fence/patio; Dwaine Adolphson – steel roof on lean of barn; Debbie Rynda – shingling, Jason Yutrzenka – new porch windows on house, Argyle Builders Supply – shed roof, lean.

The County informed the city of complaints they received on noxious weeds within city limits. The City will work with the County to clear up this matter. The Council discussed the poor yard conditions of a few properties in town.

The new Small Cities grant contract agreement expiration date is September 30th, 2024. City of Argyle will be requesting from DEED an exception to the federal conflict regulation.

Tamara attended the first meeting for the Minnesota Opioid Settlement on June 28th at Marshall County Courthouse.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Tony Deschene, to approve donate to the Salvation Army’s HeatShare Program. Motion carried.

A snap-together tile system has been installed for a pickleball court within the fenced area at the Ice Skating Rink. Please go enjoy the new feature in Argyle!

David Gunderson will renew his local board of appeal and equalization training. The 2024 budget items were discussed. Local government aid (LGA) was received.

Next Council meeting will be Tuesday, September 5th, due to Labor Day falling on Monday.

Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bills presented for payment, the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, delinquent accounts and vacation & sick leave. Motion carried.

Another bid will be received for the repairs to the United Valley Bank and B.I.L. alleyway.

The City will implement a written on-call policy at the September meeting.

The Comprehensive Planning Committee will be hosting two public forums and sending out a survey for all Argyle residents to complete as they are looking for feedback dealing with the future of Argyle.

Being no further business, motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Tony Deschene, to adjourn. Motion carried.




Utility payments can be made with a credit card or stop by the city office to sign up for ACH (automatic withdrawal).






July 2023

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the public hearing on July 5, 2023, at 7:00 PM in the City Hall. In attendance were Council members: Terry Sundby, Aaron Rivard, and Tony Deschene. Via Zoom were Penni Anderson and David Gunderson. Also in attendance were Michael Pagnac and Karen Gunderson. Terry stated that the public hearing was to discuss the rezoning of residential lots, Culberton’s Addition, Block 8, Lots 21 & 22 to commercial lots. The Council will take a letter they received into consideration, and they will decide on the possible rezoning of these lots tonight at the Council meeting following. Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to close the public hearing. Motion carried.

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the Council meeting on July 5, 2023, at 7:03 PM in the Argyle City Office. Present were Mayor Sundby, Aaron Rivard, and Tony Deschene. Via Zoom were Penni Anderson and David Gunderson. Also in attendance were Michael Pagnac and Karen Gunderson. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried.

On a motion by Tony Deschene, the following resolution was adopted: Resolution 11-2023: Rezoning of Residential Lots to Commercial Lots Culbertson’s Addition, Block 8, Lots 21 & 22, seconded by Aaron Rivard. Motion carried.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Tony Deschene, to approve the Maintenance Report. Motion carried.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Penni Anderson, to approve $50,000 basic life and AD&D coverage to each full-time employee. Motion carried.

Long-term disability insurance per employee was tabled.

Melissa Knutson, of CPS, will be invited to the next meeting to discuss the Bradford Addition infrastructure plans and specifications.

The Second Street Pavement project has been completed. The Council will review the final project costs at the August meeting and set the assessment hearing for September.

Since the City needs to control 50′ around the new well, the city needs to contact the adjacent property owner for an easement.

Jon Olson, from Apex Engineering, is continuing the development of the preparation of a preliminary engineering report evaluating existing conditions, proposed improvement alternatives, estimated costs and proposed financing (assessments).

Motion by Aaron Rivard, seconded by Penni Anderson, to lower the sand price to $5.00/yard for residents of Argyle and $10.00/yard for non-resident. Motion carried.

Penni thanked the City Crew for their great job in making the town look great for Meet Your Neighbor Day!

The City Office has been contacting residents to apply for the Small Cities Grant since we are still searching for homes that qualify and need repairs.

Building Permits: Kevin Higdem-Shed and Lynn Sundby-shingling and painting house. On a motion by Aaron Rivard, seconded by Tony Deschene, to approve the building permits.

Bob Bucklin will be invited to the next Council meeting to discuss the rezoning of Argyle Original, Block 1, Lots 20 & 21 from residential to commercial.

Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to acknowledge and approve excluded bingo activity for St. Rose Church during their bazaar on October 29, 2023, at the Community Center. Motion carried.

An environmental Health and Safety Summary Report from Ron Ruud of Northwest Service Cooperative was reviewed.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to approve the bills presented for payment, the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, delinquent accounts and vacation & sick leave. Motion carried.

David proposed creating a committee to help create a 3-5-10 year plan. David will form the committee. David and Penni volunteered to be on the committee.

Being no further business, motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to adjourn. Motion carried.

Reminder: Waste Management recycling tote pickup will be on August 16, 2023.

Curbside Compost Pickup changing to Monday’s – Spring thru Fall.

After getting your weekend yard work done, haul garden and yard waste (trees, branches, leaves, etc.) to your berm and the City Crew will pick up on Monday. All smaller clippings must be bagged or in a can.

1/2 truckload – $30         Full truckload – $50.00         Anything smaller is free of charge.

Dumpster rentals are available through the City Office. Please call 218-437-6621 to get a list of acceptable items and to schedule a drop off date. Cost $45.00 + tax



GTX-GAS TAX                                    LC-LATE CHARGE                                  MISC-MISCELLANEOUS









JUNE 2023

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the Council meeting on June 5, 2023, at 7:00 PM in the Argyle City Office. Present were Mayor Sundby, Aaron Rivard, and David Gunderson. Absent were Penni Anderson and Tony Deschene. Also in attendance were Michael Pagnac, Tony Safranski, Renae Lindgren, and Tamara Benitt. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried.

Renae Lindgren came before the Council to discuss the tennis courts. Installing pickleball courts are also being discussed.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, seconded by David Gunderson, to approve the Maintenance Report. Motion carried.

Due to high costs, no extra lighting will be installed on the water tower. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to approve the tank flyway blue with a white belt and black “Argyle” letters. Motion carried.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the Mayor to sign BNSF’s donation agreement about the sand pile located on city property/compost area. Motion carried. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to sell the sand at $10.00/yard and they must contact City Office first. Motion carried.

Bradford Addition housing expansion project was discussed again.

The Second Street pavement project’s substantial completion date is June 30th.

A well-design and installation final design will be presented at July council meeting and authorization to advertise for bids.

Apex Engineering has started the preparation of a preliminary engineering report evaluating existing conditions, proposed improvement alternatives, estimated costs, and proposed financing for Lincoln Avenue improvements.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to approve Resolution 06-2023, approve temporary community festival liquor license – Argyle American Legion and Resolution 07-2023, approve temporary community festival license – The Dell Steakhouse & Lounge, LLC. Motion carried.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve Resolution 08-2023, accept all donation to Argyle Fire Department and Resolution 09-2023, accept all donation to City of Argyle. Motion carried.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve Resolution 10-2023, certifying unpaid charges. Motion carried.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Savannah Riopelle, to accept the resignation of Brady Swanson from A.R.E.D.A. Board and approve Rick Kroll as his replacement. Motion carried.

It was requested rom A.R.E.D.A. to rezone 115 E. 5th Street from Residential to Commercial. There will be a public hearing on this matter at July 5, 2023, Council meeting.

Bob Bucklin is requesting Argyle Original, Block 1, Lots 20 & 21, to be considered to rezone from Residential to Commercial. He is in the process of purchasing the property and would like to construct a building. This issue will be discussed at the July5, 2023 Council meeting once the Council has more information.

Building permits: Janet LaBine-removal of partial wall, Charles LaBine-house addition, United Valley Bank-replace shingles & replace 16 window panes, Paul Yutrzenka-remodel, Hayden Sczepanski-patio, Mike Sczepanski-remodel kitchen and bath, Cecil Deschene-finishing siding on West side of building, replace shingles on west side, repair roof on south side, stairs. Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the building permits. Motion carried.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to approve members of the Community Club as volunteers of the City of Argyle for Meet Your Neighbor Day. Motion carried.

Within the last few years, the Council has added short-term disability as an employee benefit. A letter was received from LMCIT that long-term disability and life insurance benefits are also available. This matter will tabled until next month.

The Council was informed by Middle-Snake-Tamarac Rivers Watershed will be holding a Public Hearing to establish the Swift Coulee project.

It’s official – Juneteenth will be a State holiday in 2023, City Office and City Shop will be closed Monday, June 19th.

Please join us for an Open House with cookies and coffee in the Community Center on Thursday, June 22nd from 8:30am-10:30am. Bonnye Sorenson will be making the cookies for the event. Great time to show off the newly remodeled space.

The July Council meeting will be rescheduled to Wednesday, July 5th since there will not be a quorum on Monday, July 3rd.

Previously, the Council discussed Consumption in Public Ordinance. According to Brady Swanson, it would be okay dealing with our insurance. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Terry Sundby, to exempt public parks from Ordinance 112.05 CONSUMPTION IN PUBLIC PLACES. Motion carried.

It was noted to remind residents to pitch in and pick up the community, especially the trash located on the streets and throughout the city. Take pride in Argyle!

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to approve the bills presented for payment, the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, delinquent accounts and vacation & sick leave. Motion carried.

Being no further business, motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to adjourn. Motion carried.

Reminder: Waste Management recycling tote pickup will be on July 12, 2023.

Curbside Compost Pickup Changing To Monday’s – Spring thru Fall

After getting your weekend yard work done, haul garden and yard waste (trees, branches, leaves, etc.) to your berm and the City Crew will pick up on Monday.

All smaller clippings must be bagged or in a can.

1/2 Truckload – $30.00  Full Truckload – $50.00  Anything smaller is free of charge

Dumpster Rentals are available through the City Office. Please call 218-437-6621 to get a list of acceptable items and to schedule a drop off date. Cost $45.00 + tax

Abbreviations on your utility bill:

CREF – Commercial Refuse  CSWR – Commercial Sewer  CWTR – Commercial Water

GTX – Gas Tax  LC – Late Charge  MISC – Miscellaneous

MSPR – Mosquito Spray  RGAS – Residential Gas  RREF – Residential Refuse

RWTR – Residential Water  SPI – Sewer Project Fees  RRTX – Residential Refuse Tax

WPI – Water Project Fees  SSR – Single Sort Recycling  SWR – Sewer

swcf – State Water Connection Fee





May 2023

Mayor Sundby called to order the Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting on May 1, 2023, at 6:00 PM in the City Office. Members present were Penni Anderson, Tony Deschene, Mayor Sundby, and Aaron Rivard. Absent was David Gunderson. Attending from the Marshall County Assessor’s Office were Ryan Larson, Matt Vongroven, and Alicia Spilde. Also present was Tamara Benitt. Ryan Larson and Tamara Benitt informed the Council that they did not receive any appeals. No one from the public presented any appeals. Matt Vongroven will be the new Assessor in Argyle. Being no public arrived, motion by Tony Deschene, second by Penni Anderson, to adjourn. Motion carried.

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the Council meeting on May 1, 2023, at 7:00 PM in the Argyle City Office. Present were Mayor Sundby, Aaron Rivard, Tony Deschene, and Penni Anderson. David Gunderson attended via Zoom. Also in attendance were Michael Pagnac, Tony Safranski, and Tamara Bennit. Fire Hall Committee members present were Erin Anderson, Eric Magnusson, Tim Tulibaski, Austin Sundby, and Grant Bergeron. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Penni Anderson, to approve the previous minutes. Motion carried.

The Fire Hall Committee came before the Council to address the new Fire Hall location and finances. The committee then left the meeting.

Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the Maintenance Report. Motion carried.

Motion by Penni Anderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve Dawson Kasprowicz as a Summer Worker. Motion carried.

The Bradford Addition housing expansion and infrastructure project has been put on hold.

Jon Olson of Apex Engineering informed the Council about the progress of the Second Street pavement project. The tentative schedule to begin construction is the last week of May.

Jon Olson of Apex Engineering informed the Council the progress of the secondary well installation. The goal is to have the final design completed in the first part of June.

Jon Olson of Apex Engineering informed the Council that we received notice from the MPCA that our resiliency grant application was not funded. He will be working on a plan for Lincoln Avenue.

A.R.E.D.A. has come up with the idea of “Food Truck Monday” for the months of June, July, and August since there is no food available on Monday evenings. The food trucks will be parked next to Johnson Oil along Highway 75. Motion by Penni Anderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve LaBine Electric the installation of 50-amp hookup at Thissel Park. Motion carried. Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the fee for a license as a peddler or a transient merchant shall be $50/day/electrical, $25/day/no electrical, and no fee for non-profits. Motion carried.

Building permits were applied for by Mike & Judy Szklarski – brick patio, Steven Sjostrand Agency – remodel, and Rob Volker – replace garage door. On a motion by Aaron Rivard, seconded by Penni Anderson, to approve the building permits. Motion carried.

Motion by Penni Anderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the fertilization program that is currently used at the football field and apply it to the baseball field. Motion carried. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Penni Anderson, to approve LaBine Electric to install lights in both dugout’s closets. Motion carried.

Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Penni Anderson, to have a banner designed and printed for the Marshall County Fair Community Spotlight display. Motion carried.

Yu-Tyme Wellness Studio’s lease of the Community Center will expire on May 31, 2023. With the remodeling of the community center area, the Council decided to discontinue offering the area for overflow.

After discussion, the Council decided to let the residents know that a draft will be put on the city’s website within one week following the meeting. By directing the public to our website, we will be able to promote local businesses and other town events.

Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to add Juneteenth to the Holiday schedule depending on the state’s effective date. Motion carried.

The City was contacted by Nan Nelson with the Community Club for use of the empty City lots by the Dell again for Meet Your Neighbor Day activities. The Council agreed to allow the use.

Motion by Tony Deschene, second by Penni Anderson, to approve the cost of Otter Tail to move the pole in Thissel Park. Motion carried.

The City Office & City Shop will be closed on Monday, May 29, 2023, for Memorial Day.

Delinquent accounts were discussed. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Penni Anderson, to approve the bills presented for payment, the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, delinquent accounts and vacation & sick leave. Motion carried.

Being no further business, motion by Tony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to adjourn. Motion carried.

Reminder: Waste Management Recycling tote pickup will be on June 14, 2023.

City Office & City Shop Hours: Monday – Thursday 7:00 AM – 4:30 PM  Friday 7:00 AM – 11:oo AM.

Utility Payments can be made with a credit card or stop by the City Office to sign up for ACH (automatic withdrawal).

Argyle Area Food Shelf: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 from 4:30 – 5:30 PM at St. Rose Church Basement.


After getting your weekend yard work done, haul garden and yard waste (trees, branches, leaves, etc.) to your berm and the City Crew will pick up on Monday. 

All smaller clippings must be bagged or in a can.

1/2 Truckload – $30.00           Full Truckload – $50.00           Anything smaller is free of charge

Dumpster Rentals are available through the City Office.

Please call 218-437-6621 to get a list of acceptable items and to schedule a drop off date. Cost $45.00 + tax