February 2021

February 1, 2021- Draft

Mayor Terry Sundby, Anthony Deschene, David Sorenson, Aaron Rivard, and David Gunderson met at the Argyle Fire Hall on February 1, 2021 at 6:30PM.  Also in attendance were firemen Mason Sundby, Nick Safranski, Nate Anderson and Tony Safranski.  Vicki Tulibaski also attended the meeting.  The firemen wanted the Council to look at the cramped space for all their equipment.  Then everyone went to the Argyle Community Center for the Council meeting.

Mayor Terry Sundby opened the February 1, 2021 Argyle City Council meeting in the Community Center.  In attendance were Mayor Sundby, Anthony Deschene, David Sorenson, Aaron Rivard and David Gunderson.  Also in attendance were Mason Sundby, Nick Safranski, Nate Anderson, Brady Swanson, Tony Safranski and Vicki Tulibaski.  Motion by David Gunderson, second by Anthony Deschene, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried.

Mason Sundby was the spokesman for the AFD.  He explained to the Council that the fire department would like a new fire hall and what they would like to have in it.  The main concern is the lack of space in the current fire hall.  They have set up a committee and have been looking at other fire halls.  The committee plans to get more information and will keep the Council updated.  Their main purpose tonight was to let the Council know that they are serious about wanting a new fire hall and wanted to find out the Council’s opinion.  General consensus of the Council was that a new fire hall is needed.  They will continue to update the Council.  The firemen then left the meeting.

Brady Swanson handed out information on the insurance renewal and went over the coverages and limits with the Council.  On a motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, the Council approved by resolution to not waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability.  Motion carried.

The Council then reviewed the email update from Andrew Aakre from Moore Engineering.

The Mayor opened the sealed bids received on the tractor/snowblower and the Ford dump truck.  Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to accept the bid from Joel St. Germain for the Ford truck and the bid from Ryan Kazmierczak for the tractor/snowblower.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the written Maintenance Report.  Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the written Maintenance Report.  Motion carried.

The Council then reviewed an energy efficiency assessment on the city buildings done by Paul Hoeschen, Energy Efficiency Technical Advisor from Minnesota Rural Water Association.  He is also doing a lighting study.  He suggested updating the interior and exterior lights to LED as there are rebates available.  Tony is having Charlie LaBine get a bid for the LED upgrade.

The Council was informed that City Office & City Shop will be closed on Monday, February 15th in observance of President’s Day.

Motion by David Sorenson, second by Anthony Deschene, to turn the Arturo Martinez delinquent account over to collection.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, that if the city employees would like Aflac insurance it would be deducted from their pay checks.  Motion carried.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to have the public in attendance at their Board of Appeal & Equalization meeting in May.  Motion carried.

On a motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to Council approved by resolution the amendment of the A.R.E.D.A. Bylaws SECTION 1. Membership. Motion carried.

The Council then reviewed an email from Ceil Strauss regarding the flood plain area and internal drainage.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to approve the building permit of Misselhorn Tiling & Excavation for remodel of office.  Motion carried.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the following 2021 AFD Officers:
Chief – Anthony Deschene; Asst. Chief – Erin Anderson; Secretary – Brady Swanson; Treas. – Rick Kroll; EMS – Rob Clausen; Chief Engineer – Tim Tulibaski; Ventilation Officer – Eric Magnusson; Interior Officer – Dillon Erickson; Training Officers – Mason Sundby, Nic Thompson, Nathan Anderson; Safety Officer – Kelly Durand.  Motion carried. Anthony Deschene presented the AFD 2020 Summary.  There was a total of 74 calls – 44 medical calls, 23 fire calls, 7 rescue calls and 2 mutual aid calls.

The Council then reviewed the bills presented for payment, the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, account balances, delinquent accounts and vacation & sick leave.  Motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, to approve the bills presented for payment.  Motion carried.

Being no further business, motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to adjourn.  Motion carried.

– Waste Management recycling tote pickup will be on March 11th. Please have your totes to the curb 3 feet away from anything by 7:00AM.  Plastic Bags & Aerosol cans are not recyclable.

– Requests for Winter Months – Please DO NOT leave cars & trailers on streets for easier snow removal.  Please stay away from snow removal equipment – give them room to do their job!

– Please keep all gates open and free of snow so that meters can be read.  Thanks for your cooperation!

– While clearing your driveway isn’t a crime, the way you clean it may be.  According to MN Statute 106.2715, ” (a) Except for the actions of the road authorities, their agents, employees, contractors & utilities in carrying out their duties imposed by law or contract; & except as herein provided, it shall be unlawful to : (1) obstruct any highway or deposit snow or ice thereon and (b) any violation of this section is a misdemeanor. ” This means in laymen’s terms : YOU CAN’T PUSH SNOW ACROSS THE ROAD OR INTO THE STREET TO GET IT OUT OF YOUR DRIVEWAY. Plowing snow out of a yard & onto or across any public road or right of way is illegal (this applies to all city, township, county & state roads).

– ALL GAS CUSTOMERS: Please keep snow cleared from your gas meter and vent.  A dangerous condition exists should your gas meter and vent become blocked with snow.  Please keep checking this until the snow melts.

– 2021 Pet Licenses can be purchased at the City Office for $5.00.

– ALL GARBAGE out for pickup must be properly bagged or tagged.  Garbage cans are not to be larger than 35 gallons. Garbage cans are not to weight more than 50 pounds.  If over weight, it may be left or you will be billed additional charges.

– Please help the fire department: Help keep your fire hydrants cleared of snow.

– Please save your aluminum cans for the Argyle Volunteer Fire Department.  They have a trailer by the fire hall.  Money raised will be used to purchase equipment.

– Check with the City Office on a yearly garbage fee in place of bags and tags. And gas rebates.

January 2021

Draft- January 4, 2021

Newly elected Mayor Terry Sundby took the Mayoral Oath of Office and Anthony Deschene and Aaron Rivard took the Council member Oath of Office.

Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the January 4, 2021, City Council meeting in the Argyle Community Center at 7:00PM.  Present were Mayor Sundby, David Sorenson, David Gunderson, Aaron Rivard, and Anthony Deschene.  Also in attendance were Tony Safranski, Jason Hillman and Jerry Pribula representing Marshall & Polk Rural Water, and Vicki Tulibaski.  Motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried.

Jason Hillman and Jerry Pribula representing Marshall & Polk Rural Water came before the Council to go over what it would entail to bring rural water into Argyle.

Scott Winge from Northern Sanitation came before the Council with a 3% increase for refuse pickup in Argyle over the next three years.  Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve entering into a 3-year contract for refuse pickup in Argyle with Northern Sanitation. Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the update from Moore Engineering.  They also reviewed filter plant expenses for the past 21 years and what it costs the City of Argyle to make 1,000 gallons of water.  The Council is having Moore Engineering figure the cost of a new well, a new line into town, a new water tower, and filter plant updates.  They are currently looking to see if the city would be eligible for any grants.  The Council will need to decide what projects they want to do from the list of costs from Moore Engineering or go with Rural Water.

The Council reviewed the written Maintenance Report.  Motion by David Gunderson, second by Anthony Deschene, to approve the written Maintenance Report.

The Council reviewed the 2020 Appointments & Rental Schedules & utility rates and gas rebates to make any changes for 2021.  After some discussion, motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, by resolution approve the 2021 Appointments & Rental Schedules & to leave the rates and rebates the same.  Motion carried.

The Council was informed that the City Office & City Shop will be closed on January 18th in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

The skating rink was opened on December 29th.  Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to not hire a skating rink attendant.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed a letter from Northwest Regional Development Commission seeking nominations for a municipal representative to serve on their Board.  No interest from the Council.

The Council reviewed the Profit & Loss, Balance sheet, Delinquent accounts, vacation & sick leave and bills presented for payment.  Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bills presented for payment, the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, delinquent accounts and vacation & sick leave.  Motion carried.

Being no further business, motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Anthony Deschene, to adjourn.  Motion carried.

Requests for Winter Months:

  • Please do not leave cars & trailers on streets for easier snow removal.  Please stay away from snow removal equipment — Give them room to do their job!
  • While clearing your driveway isn’t a crime, the way you clean it may be.  According to MN Statue 106.2715, “(a) Except for the actions of the road authorities, their agents, employees, contractors, & utilities in carrying out their duties imposed by law or contract, & except as herein provided, it shall be unlawful to: (1) obstruct any highway or deposit snow or ice thereon and (b) any violation of this section is a misdemeanor.” This means in laymen’s terms, you can’t push snow across the road or into the street to get it out of your driveway.  Plowing snow out of a yard & onto or across any public road or right of way is illegal (this applies to all city, township, county & state roads.
  • Please keep all gates open and free of snow so that meters can be read.  Thanks for your cooperation!
  • Please help the Fire Department…Help keep your fire hydrants cleared of snow.
  • A Reminder to all gas customers…Please keep snow cleared from you gas meter and vent.  A dangerous condition exists should your gas meter and vent become blocked with snow.  Please keep checking this until the snow melts.

ALL GARBAGE OUT FOR PICKUP MUST BE PROPERLY BAGGED OR TAGGED.  Garbage cans are not to be larger than 35 gallons.  Garbage cans are not to weigh more than 50 pounds.  If over weight, it may be left or your will be billed additional charges.

2021 Recycling Dates

2021 Recycling Dates–

January 13
February 10
March 10
April 14
May 12
June 16
July 14
August 11
September 15
October 13
November 10
December 15

December 2020

December 7, 2020 – DRAFT

Mayor Robert Clausen opened the December 7, 2020 Truth-In-Taxation meeting at 7:00PM.  Present were Mayor Clausen, David Sorenson, Anthony Deschene, David Gunderson, and Aaron Rivard.  Also in attendance were Tony Safranski and Vicki Tulibaski.  No one from the public attended and no one called the City Office with questions or complaints.  Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to close the Truth-In-Taxation meeting.  Motion carried.

Mayor Robert Clausen called to order the December 7, 2020 Argyle City Council meeting at 7:00PM in the Argyle Community Center.  Present were Mayor Clausen, David Sorenson, Anthony Deschene, David Gunderson, and Aaron Rivard.  Also in attendance were Tony Safranski and Vicki Tulibaski.  Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the written progress report from Moore Engineering.  Vicki was instructed to contact Andrew for a time to meet with him and tour the water treatment plant per his recommendation on the progress report.  Council questioned if an estimate was received for the cost to hook onto rural water.

On a motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, the Council approved by resolution the 2021 levy and budget.

Francisco Arce did not attend the meeting.  He called into the office after the November meeting and stated that he had all his paperwork from Habitat for Humanity.  He was told to come to the December meeting at 7:00PM.

The Council reviewed the Summary Report from Ron Ruud of Northwest Service Cooperative.

The Council reviewed the written Maintenance Report.  Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to advertise for sale of sealed bids the old Ford dump truck.  Motion carried.  Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the written Maintenance Report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Gunderson, to approve the building permit of Trina Wojciechowski for renovating.  Motion carried.

On a motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, the Council approved by resolution donations to the City of Argyle.

On a motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, the Council approved by resolution donations to the Argyle Fire Department, Anthony Deschene abstained.

The City Office & City Shop will be closed December 24th, Christmas Eve, December 25th, Christmas Day and January 1st, New Year’s Day.

On a motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, the Council approved by resolution Terry Sundby to be a signer on all city accounts when he becomes Mayor in January.

The Council was informed that Trilogy does not want to pay for their dumpster over the winter months.  The City does not do this for snowbirds or any other business.  Trilogy does own their own dumpster.  After some discussion, second by David Sorenson, to continue to bill Trilogy for the dumpster year round as the City has a garbage pickup contract to meet.  They can move the dumpster to another one of their locations if they want.  Motion carried.

Vicki informed the Council that John Wynn posted a Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for the Small Cities Development Program and an environmental compliance.  The funds should be released the end of December.  According to John, applications were mailed to those who applied for funds on November 27th.  They are to fill out the work they would like completed and mail it back in.  The work will then go out on bids from licensed contractors.  Mayor Clausen stated that Argyle Homes and Argyle Building Center had not received applications.  Vicki will get in touch with John Wynn to see where the applications are.

The Council reviewed the bills presented for payment, the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, account balances and delinquent accounts.  Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bills presented for payment, the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, account balances and delinquent accounts.  Motion carried.

Vicki informed the Council that Bob Clausen became a Council member in 1995 and became the Mayor on July 2, 2007.  He has served the City of Argyle for 25 years.  The Council then thanked Bob for his service to the City of Argyle.  A recognition observance will be held at a later date.

Being no further business, motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to adjourn.  Motion carried.


  • Waste Management recycling tote pickup will be on January 13th.
  • Check with the City Office on a yearly garbage fee in place of bags or tags.  AND GAS REBATES.
  • Request for winter months — Please do not leave cars & trailers on streets for easier snow removal.  Please stay away from snow removal equipment – Give them room to do their job.

November 2020

November 2, 2020 – DRAFT

Mayor Robert Clausen called to order the November 2, 2020 Argyle City Council meeting at 7:00PM in the Argyle Community Center.  Present were Mayor Clausen, Anthony Deschene, Aaron Rivard, and David Sorenson.  Absent was David Gunderson.  Also, in attendance were Tony Safranski and Vicki Tulibaski.  Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the written update from Moore Engineering.  There is no action that the city needs to take.

The Council reviewed the list of items for the C.A.R.E.S. money.  On a motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, the Council adopted a resolution allocating Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act Funds to local government activities.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the Step Pay Chart.  Vicki, Tony, and Tamara have completed all their steps.  After a lengthy discussion, motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve a 3.5% step raise for Trevor and Michael plus a $.50/hour raise and a $.50/hour raise for Vicki, Tony, and Tamara.  Motion carried.

At last month’s Council meeting, Vicki was instructed to contact the cities of Warren and Stephen and see what they have set for curfews.  Warren did not reply to an email Vicki sent.  The Council reviewed the curfew for Stephen.  General consensus of the Council was to not have a curfew.  No action taken.

The Council reviewed the written Maintenance Report.  Also presented were bids for tires for the white Ford.  Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bids from CHS for a set of Cooper tires for the white Ford at a cost of $652.80.  Motion carried.

Council discussed cables across the crossing into the piles on the north end of Argyle.  General consensus of the Council is the gate will be unlocked for anyone to access the city piles only Monday to Friday during business hours.  No keys will be handed out.  The sand is the property of the railroad.

The Council reviewed the Model Floodplain ordinance needs to be amended.  Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Anthony Deschene, to approve the Minnesota Model Floodplain Ordinance adopted to fit the needs of Argyle.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to approve the building permit of Colleen Deitz for shingles.  Motion carried.

Vicki informed the Council that she submitted the final worksheets and signature page to the State for reimbursement from Homeland Security for labor and equipment use for the windstorm in July.

Vicki informed the Council that she has been in contact with Diane Hayes of Northwest Community Action on the grant the city received for housing and business rehab.  They are currently working on an application for those who originally applied that will ask them what work they need done.

Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve FFCRA leave for Tamara.  Motion carried.  The Council was informed that the City Office will be locked to the public again due to the spread of COVID-19 in Argyle.  They can call and make an appointment.  United Valley Bank lobby and The Dell are also closed to the public.

The City Office will be closed on Wednesday, November 11th in honor of Veteran’s Day and Thursday, November 26th, Thanksgiving.

Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bills presented for payment, the profit & loss, the balance sheet, the account balances, and the delinquent accounts.  Motion carried.

Being no further business, motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to adjourn.  Motion carried.

Requests for Winter Months:
– Please do not leave cars & trailers on streets for easier snow removal.
– Please stay away from snow removal equipment. — Give them room to do their job!!