November 2020

November 2, 2020 – DRAFT

Mayor Robert Clausen called to order the November 2, 2020 Argyle City Council meeting at 7:00PM in the Argyle Community Center.  Present were Mayor Clausen, Anthony Deschene, Aaron Rivard, and David Sorenson.  Absent was David Gunderson.  Also, in attendance were Tony Safranski and Vicki Tulibaski.  Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the written update from Moore Engineering.  There is no action that the city needs to take.

The Council reviewed the list of items for the C.A.R.E.S. money.  On a motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, the Council adopted a resolution allocating Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act Funds to local government activities.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the Step Pay Chart.  Vicki, Tony, and Tamara have completed all their steps.  After a lengthy discussion, motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve a 3.5% step raise for Trevor and Michael plus a $.50/hour raise and a $.50/hour raise for Vicki, Tony, and Tamara.  Motion carried.

At last month’s Council meeting, Vicki was instructed to contact the cities of Warren and Stephen and see what they have set for curfews.  Warren did not reply to an email Vicki sent.  The Council reviewed the curfew for Stephen.  General consensus of the Council was to not have a curfew.  No action taken.

The Council reviewed the written Maintenance Report.  Also presented were bids for tires for the white Ford.  Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bids from CHS for a set of Cooper tires for the white Ford at a cost of $652.80.  Motion carried.

Council discussed cables across the crossing into the piles on the north end of Argyle.  General consensus of the Council is the gate will be unlocked for anyone to access the city piles only Monday to Friday during business hours.  No keys will be handed out.  The sand is the property of the railroad.

The Council reviewed the Model Floodplain ordinance needs to be amended.  Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Anthony Deschene, to approve the Minnesota Model Floodplain Ordinance adopted to fit the needs of Argyle.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to approve the building permit of Colleen Deitz for shingles.  Motion carried.

Vicki informed the Council that she submitted the final worksheets and signature page to the State for reimbursement from Homeland Security for labor and equipment use for the windstorm in July.

Vicki informed the Council that she has been in contact with Diane Hayes of Northwest Community Action on the grant the city received for housing and business rehab.  They are currently working on an application for those who originally applied that will ask them what work they need done.

Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve FFCRA leave for Tamara.  Motion carried.  The Council was informed that the City Office will be locked to the public again due to the spread of COVID-19 in Argyle.  They can call and make an appointment.  United Valley Bank lobby and The Dell are also closed to the public.

The City Office will be closed on Wednesday, November 11th in honor of Veteran’s Day and Thursday, November 26th, Thanksgiving.

Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bills presented for payment, the profit & loss, the balance sheet, the account balances, and the delinquent accounts.  Motion carried.

Being no further business, motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to adjourn.  Motion carried.

Requests for Winter Months:
– Please do not leave cars & trailers on streets for easier snow removal.
– Please stay away from snow removal equipment. — Give them room to do their job!!


October 2020

October 5, 2020 – DRAFT

Mayor Robert Clausen called to order the October 5, 2020 Argyle City Council meeting at 7:00PM at the Argyle City Office.  Present were Mayor Clausen, David Gunderson, Anthony Deschene, and David Sorenson.  Absent was Aaron Rivard.  Also, in attendance were Tony Safranski and Vicki Tulibaski.  Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried.

The Council then reviewed the written Progress Report from Moore Engineering.  Andrew Aakre of Moore Engineering met with Tony last week and reviewed maps.

Vicki informed the Council that according to the League of Minnesota Cities the city does not have authority to grant C.A.R.E.S. money to businesses, however, the EDA does.  The Council then reviewed the criteria the city and EDA must follow to use the C.A.R.E.S. Act money.  The grant must be based on expenditures and not lost revenue.  The Council reviewed the list of items suggested by the LMC to use C.A.R.E.S. Act funds for and added items to purchase to the list.  After a lengthy discussion, motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, the Council adopted a resolution allocating Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act Funds to local government activities.  Motion carried.

The Council tabled 2021 wages until the November meeting.

The Council reviewed the written Maintenance Report.  Motion by David Sorenson, second by Anthony Deschene, to approve the written Maintenance Report.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed proposals for insurance agent of record.  On a motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, the Council adopted a resolution appointing Jay Swanson Agency as city insurance agent of record.  Motion carried.

On a motion by David Sorenson, second by Anthony Deschene, the Council approved by resolution renewals of the Hogberg-Gerszewski Post 353 liquor license and The Dell Steakhouse & Lounge LLC liquor licenses.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Gunderson, to approve the building permit of Jessica Gruhot for shingles.  Motion carried.

The Council discussed a curfew.  Vicki is to check with neighboring cities to see if they have a curfew.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Gunderson, to approve Brady Swanson as a new A.R.E.D.A. Board member replacing Janelle Swanson.  Motion carried.

The Council was informed that the Cold Weather Rule goes into effect on October 15th.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, to approve the bills presented for payment, the delinquent accounts, the Profit & Loss, the Balance sheet and account balances.  Motion carried.

Being no further business, motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to adjourn.  Motion carried.

Natural Gas Pipeline Safety

Important Contact Information:

After Hours of Emergency:                             For more information:
                                                                                Phone:     218-437-6689(shop)
218-821-8618 (Tony cell)
Call before you dig…it’s the law.                                     218-230-1898 (Trevor cell)
800-252-1166 or dial 811                                                    
701-270-1777 (Michael cell)

Suspected Gas Leaks
Indications of a possible gas leak include:

  • Unusual odor (rotten egg smell) inside or near the pipeline outdoors.
  • Hissing noise, bubbles in puddles, dirt being blown into the air, or dead or discolored vegetation near an underground pipeline.
  • Fire or explosion involving pipeline facilities.

If You Suspect a Leak:

  • EVACUATE the area immediately – travel upwind to escape any potentially dangerous accumulation of gas and do not reenter until told it is safe to do so.
  • CALL the gas supplier from a safe location – NOT the building where you smell the gas.
  • DO NOT light a match, operate light switches, appliances, engines, or any other potential sources of ignition.
  • KEEP other people out of the area until help arrives.

Remember, suspected gas leaks are potentially dangerous and must be reported and investigated immediately.  We need your help to continue to operate a safe distribution system.

Excavation Safety

Dig-in (excavation) damage is a leading cause of gas system damage.  To minimize this hazard, the most important thing you can do is Call Before You Dig.

Gopher State One Call is a free statewide service that allows utilities to locate any buried facilities they own before you start digging.  Just call two (2) business days before digging and provide the requested information to the operator.

GSOC can be reached at 800-252-1166 or 811.  Visit their website:
Remember – Call Before You Dig – It’s the Law!

Gas Meter Safety

During the winter months, we ask that gas customers please keep snow cleared from your meter and vent.  A dangerous condition exists should your gas meter and vent become blocked with snow.  Please keep checking this until the snow melts.   Also, just a reminder to not block the gas meter with any debris such as hanging a hose on them.  The gas meter needs to be accessible at all times.

September 2020

September 8, 2020 – DRAFT

Mayor Robert Clausen called to order the September 8th, 2020 Argyle City Council meeting at 7:00pm at the Argyle City Office.  Present were Mayor Clausen, David Gunderson, Anthony Deschene, and Aaron Rivard.  Absent was David Sorenson.  Also, in attendance were Andrew Aakre of Moore Engineering, Tony Safranski, and Vicki Tulibaski.  David Gunderson added Ballot Box to the agenda.  Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Anthony Deschene, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried.

Andrew Aakre of Moore Engineering reported to the Council that PFA are not funding new projects.  They are only funding prior year carryover projects.  PFA referred the City of Argyle to the USDA Rural Development program for funding for the water tower, filter plant upgrades, well and line.  He then handed out Task Order 2 for the Council’s review to move forward with a Preliminary Engineering Report, an Environmental Report, and assist with application items needed through the RD apply online portal.  After a lengthy discussion, motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve Task Order 2.  Aye: Clausen, Gunderson, Rivard. Nay: Deschene. Absent: Sorenson.  Motion carried.  Vicki questioned what the timeline for the project will be – would construction be done in 2021? Andrew said it may be possible, but construction will likely be 2022.  Mayor Clausen signed Task Order 2.  Andrew then left the meeting.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Anthony Deschene, to approve the A.R.E.D.A.’s purchase of Janet St. Germain’s building.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed applications from Argyle businesses for the C.A.R.E.S. Act Small Business Grant.  General consensus of the Council is to get the final prices of all items needed by the City and then grant out the balance of the C.A.R.E.S. money to the small businesses that applied.  This was tabled to the October meeting.

The Council reviewed the written Maintenance Report.  Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to approve the Maintenance Report.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the Preliminary 2021 Budget & Levy.  Added to the budget were tractor upgrade, backhoe upgrade and used portable air compressor.  On a motion by David Gunderson, second by Anthony Deschene, the Council approved by resolution the proposed property tax levy collectible in 2021.  On a motion by David Gunderson, second by Anthony Deschene, the Council approved by resolution the Preliminary 2021 budget.  Motions carried.

The Council tabled 2021 wages until the October meeting.

On a motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, the Council approved the following building permits: Julie LaBine, windows & doors; Northwest roofing, re-roof kitchen area of Argyle School; Dillon Erickson, driveway; Derald Mercil, shingle; Northwest Roofing, re-roof St. Gabe Apts; Jeff Beaudry, shingles.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the Community Water Supply Service Connection fee of $9.72 to be billed on the October bill and to pay to the State of Minnesota.  Motion carried.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by Anthony Deschene, to not participate in the Salvation Army’s HeatShare Program.  Motion carried.

Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to approve Justin Yutrzenka as a new member of the Argyle Fire Department.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bills presented for payment, the delinquent accounts, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet and account balances.  Motion carried.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Anthony Deschene, to have a ballot box at the City Office for citizens to drop off their ballots and the city will deliver them to the Court House.  Motion carried. After further research, the County Attorney advises against this practice.  THERE WILL NOT BE A BALLOT BOX AT THE CITY OFFICE.

Being no further business, motion by Anthony Deschene, second by Aaron Rivard, to adjourn.  Motion carried.

August 2020

August 3, 2020

Mayor Robert Clausen called to order the August 3, 2020 Argyle City Council meeting at 7:00PM at the Argyle City Office.  Present were Mayor Clausen, David Gunderson, Anthony Deschene, Aaron Rivard, and David Sorenson.  Also, in attendance were John Wynne of Northwest Community Action, Francisco Arce, Jr., Ashten Safranski, Tony Safranski, and Vicki Tulibaski.  Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Gunderson, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  Motion carried.

John Wynne came before the Council to explain the Small Cities Development grant.  He explained there are 15 housing rehabilitation, 4 commercial buildings and 14 rental units in the grant.  The grant was for $759,000.00.  The commercial owners are required to pay 20% of their cost and the grant pays the other 80%.  Rental property is required to pay 30% of the cost and the grant pays 70%.  On a motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, the Council approved by resolution the following plans: Administrative Services Contract with Northwest Community Action; Residential Anti-displacement & Relocation Plan; Program Income Plan; Fair Housing Plan; Policy on Prohibition of Use of Excessive Force; Drug Free Workplace Certification; and Section Free Plan.  Carried.  John will develop an application and mail out to those who applied.  John then left the meeting.

Francisco Arce, Jr. came before the Council requesting information on the former John LaBine lots that came back to the City.  He will bring more information to the next Council meeting.

Ashten Safranski came before the Council and asked for approval to start a town baseball team – 19 years & older in 2021.  They would find their own sponsors and their use of the ball field would not interfere with the other teams.  Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve a 19 & older baseball team.  Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the report from Moore Engineering.  They are still waiting to hear from PFA.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, to approve 5 year 2% loans from the A.R.E.D.A. to the following businesses: L&R Foods, Yu-Tyme, Argyle Decorating Center, Benton-Safranski, Shear Designs, and Janet St. Germain for the Mall parking lot.  Motion carried.  All the businesses may not end up needing the loans.

The Council reviewed the written Maintenance Report.  Motion by David Sorenson, second by Anthony Deschene, to approve the written Maintenance Report.  Motion carried.

On a motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, the Council approved by resolution to add Face Coverings to the city’s COVID-19 Preparedness Plan.  Carried.

The Council was informed of the CARES Act funding available to the city.  Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Gunderson, to apply for the CARES Act funding and fill out the Coronavirus Relief Fund Certification Form and submit it.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to approve the building permits of Aurelia Kujawa, gutters and Dwaine & Judy Adolphson, shingling.  Motion carried.

The Council was again reminded that the following terms are up in 2020: Mayor- Robert Clausen,  Council positions of Tony Deschene and Aaron Rivard.  Filing period is from July 28th to August 11th.

Vicki updated the Council on her conversation with Nevin Lubarski regarding the Council’s vote to keep Summer Rec.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Sorenson, to purchase cameras for the Kurz Memorial Park.  Motion carried.

Michael Pagnac’s 6-month probation is up.  After some discussion, motion by David Sorenson, second by Anthony Deschene, to give Michael Pagnac a $1.00/hour raise effective today.  Motion carried.

Motion by Anthony Deschene, second by David Gunderson, to reimburse Robbie Szklarski for the pictures he took to update the city website.  Motion carried.

Motion by David Sorenson, second by David Gunderson, to approve the estimate from Agassiz Asphalt for an overlay on Pacific Avenue from Sutton to First Street and a patch on Bradford.  Motion carried.

Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the Summer Rec Program report.  Motion carried.

Motion by David Sorenson, second by Anthony Deschene, to approve payment of the bills presented for payment.  Motion carried.

Being no further business, motion by David Sorenson, second by Anthony Deschene, to adjourn.  Motion carried.

*City Office & City Shop Summer Hours – Memorial Day to Labor Day –
Monday to Thursday 7:00am-4:30pm Friday 8:00am-Noon

* Call Before you dig…It’s the Law!  Dial 811

* Please don’t blow grass into streets.

* Please report street light outages to the City Office.

*Argyle Fire Department has an aluminum can collection site located by City Shop.  Money raised will be used to purchase equipment.  NO garbage or plastic bags…please!

*2020 Pet licenses can be purchased at the City Office for $5.00.  All cats and dogs must be licensed.

*Check with the City Office on a yearly garbage fee in place of bags or tags.  Also check on Gas Rebates.

*Reminder- Waste Management recycling tote pickup will be on Sept. 16th.  Please have your totes to the curb 3 feet away from anything by 7:00am.  Plastic bags and Aerosol cans are not recyclable.

* After hour payments of City utilities can by dropped off at United Valley Bank night depository.

* All garbage out for pickup must by properly bagged or tagged.  Garbage cans are not the larger than 35 gallons.  Garbage cans are not to weigh more than 50 pounds. If over weight, it may be left or you will be billed additional charges.  During summer hours, please have your garbage out by 7:00am.

* Building Permits are required for any building or remodeling over $500.00.  Building permits are $15.00.

* 2020 Permits for golf carts & ATV’s can be purchased at the City Office for $5.00.  All need to be licensed.