July 12, 2021
July 12, 2021
The Council interviewed for the Deputy Clerk position. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to hire Karen Gunderson as the Deputy Clerk. Aye: Sundby, Rivard, Sorenson Absent: Deschene Abstain: Gunderson
Mayor Terry Sundby called to order the Council meeting on July 12, 2021, at 7:00 PM in the Argyle City Office. Present were Mayor Sundby, David Sorenson, David Gunderson, and Aaron Rivard. Absent was Tony Deschene. Also in attendance were Tony Safranski and Tamara Benitt. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.
The Council reviewed the written report from Moore Engineering. Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson, to cancel the contract with Moore Engineering only if Marshall & Polk Rural Water will assist with the financial side of project as well. Motion carried.
The Council reviewed the written Maintenance Report. Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the Maintenance Report. Motion carried.
On a motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, to accept the agreement between The City of Argyle and Marshall & Polk Rural Water for providing water services and approve the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement. Motion carried.
The Council received a reply from the DNR on the dam permit request. The Council feels this issue will be dropped at this time.
On a motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard, the Council rescinded Resolution 12-2020. The City of Argyle no longer needs emergency powers operate effectively and efficiently. The late fees will be reinstated on utility bills.
Tony Safranski will be putting together a list of Dutch Elm trees that are diseased for the August meeting.
Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Sorenson to purchase the property inside the dike from Brian Anderson for $4,250.00/acre. Motion carried.
Motion by David Gunderson, second by Aaron Rivard to accept the A.R.E.D.A. proposal for city wide clean-up day. Motion carried.
Motion by David Sorenson, second by David Gunderson to approve Argyle Builders Supply from A.R.E.A.D.A
The Council will table the Argyle Fire Station Feasibility Study until the August meeting.
The City of Argyle locked in gas prices with Constellation Energy until October 2031.
The Council would like to put together an appreciation supper and program for all the volunteering done by Robert Clausen. The event will take place at the Kurz Park Shelter on Thursday, August 26th.
With all the City projects coming up, the Council okayed to not sell any more of the clay from the City’s stockpile.
Argyle Area Community Foundation awarded their grants: Christmas Decorations – $2,000, Baseball Field Improvements – $2,000, Garden Club projects – $1,ooo, Hanging flower baskets – $1,400 Legion Youth Baseball Program – $1,500 Summer Recreation – $500, John Kurz Park – grass seed – $1,000, and Fire Department – $1,500.
MPCA has contacted CHS, Inc. as they have found contamination at the Bulk site, 500 Washington Avenue. MPCA informed the City because they are reopening a 12/18/09 petroleum case.
Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard to not offer ServLine Leak Protection Program.
Motion by David Gunderson, second by David Sorenson, to not donate to the Marshall County Fair.
Motion by Aaron Rivard, second by David Gunderson, to appoint Tamara Benitt to the Marshall County Affordable Housing Loan Pool committee.
Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard to approve the following building permits: Wade Danielson – garage roof repair & shingles; Dillon Erickson – fence; Adolfo Rodriquez – car port.
Due to health conditions, the City received a letter of resignation from Tom Tulibaski.
The City Council questioned the progress on the Arturo Martinez Jr’s property.
The Council reviewed the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Delinquent Accounts, account balances, and the bills presented for payment. Motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to approve the bills presented for payment. Motion carried.
The Council will be looking into alternative products instead of Calcium Chloride for next year.
Being no further businesses, motion by David Sorenson, second by Aaron Rivard, to adjourn. Motion carried.
5:00 PM